Android app to view Rhino .3dm files?

Hi Brains trust is there an app to veiw Rhino . 3dm files as I away from my compter and only have my sumsung S9+ phone and need to send a file to a cleint and want to send the right model version?

Cheers john

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I’m not aware of one.
The basic problem seemed to be there are so many different screen sizes and configurations, it became a near impossible task to support them and recover development costs with potential app sales.

That was some time ago now. Any app developer what wants to give it a go can use our development tools.

Here are a few web-based viewers:

– Dale

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Hi John -
Two more options in this thread:

Note that you’ll have to have saved your Rhino file with display meshes for any of these to show NURBS surfaces…

Is there a way to measure curve length in one of those apps or in any other android app?

Hi -

Not really, no. There appears to be some very basic measuring in

Not exactly ideal, but you could export your model as a SketchUp Skp file and then use the SketchUp app to view it on a phone or tablet…
The SketchUp app is pretty decent with the ability to turn layers on or off, different view styles, and a good measuring tool!

Great app for viewing Rhino files on Android device.