I’m trying to use the lunchbox plugin to create a grid on this pretty complex SubD. I have found a workaround to get close to the solution I want, but it is not as intuitive or accurate as I’d like it to be. I just have been applying the 2d pattern to a surface and projecting that to the SubD, but the grid spacing isn’t equal especially in places where the shape moves in the Z direction. Is there a better way to apply this grid of curves to the SubD?
I found another sort of work around that still doesn’t give me the result I want, but at least the grid is semi-regular this way. Converting this shape to a surface seems to be the major issue, but I’m not sure if you are even able to create a surface with this sort of form.
Yeah, I’ve yet to see an easy straight forward approach.
I think the subD might have to be converted to mesh first, or there can be a subD to Brep, that then might be converted to “surface” idk…
yeah that looks like the “mesh” workflow…
it’s pretty cool that’s even possible. But I’d like to figure out what to do with the “brep” method and convert it to surface and get it to “flow along surface”
When you try to deconstruct the SubD, the faces output is a bunch of untrimmed surfaces, do you think there’s any way to merge/join/weld these surfaces together to create a true surface? I’ve found some workflows using pufferfish plugins to make a SubD and surface, but none of them work with how complex this particular geometry is