Anemone's "Fast loop end" is... slow

I need a tree giving lists of faces connected along an edge and also sharing the same normal vector along that edge.
I don’t deal with freaky faces for which the normal vector changes along an edge for example.
The part I give as an example shows this : it is your everyday sheet metal part.

I used the BREP Topology component and normal vector comparisons to get a tree giving for each face, the list of all the faces with adhere to my criteria (including the face itself) :

But then I encountered a roadblock because I need to “concatenate” those lists to get “chains” of faces which are connected according to the above criteria.

David gave me a C# component that “almost” worked : indeed, I had to place it in a loop to make it go through all the trees, and this is causing great trouble in the execution.

Therefor, I started looking into graph theory to produce the doggone list, as I started explaining here.

Sorry if my description of the problem wasn’t clear enough. It just seemed to me such a trivial task at the beginning because unrolling sheet metal is really basic stuff.