8.4 - still to many paper-cuts, classroom feedback

Sorry to say that working with 8.4 on a mac Intel with mac os x 13.5.1 still not feels fluent or stable.
There are still to many of those paper-cuts that make the experience of the UI influent:
(update / EDIT: Version 8.5, 2nd April 2024)

  • (1) (not solved 8.5) windows disappear: having several Rhino documents open, sometimes calling a new command cause the active window to disappear. This is super annoying - I just stopped recording a tutorial video because of this.
  • (2)(not solved 8.5 - see here) flyouts / tooltips still stay infront of everything - for example after saving, or tooltips
  • (3) (not solved 8.5) typing to fast or imprecise (“extrudeCrv”) will show the mac os x emoji panel
  • (4) (not solved 8.5 see separate topic)one-shot object snaps messes up the persistent snaps, often using a one - shot object snap (click with shift) afterwards all checkboxes are empty for the persistent ones… open and close the o-snap panel helps
  • (5) prependicular and end snap conflict. It is not possible to have them both pop up together. (end,perp). End is ignored. (cant repeat today 2. April - solved ?)
  • (6) I lost the overview on print and display order, or print weight / width - there have been long topics without any summary or the topics got closed because of unfriendly comments or inpatient customers
  • (7) Groundplane for Display Mode Rendered behaves different in a layout detail then in the main modelling viewport / space.
  • selecting Edges with sub-Selection in shaded display mode reacts to slow or is sometimes impossible
  • (8) (not solved 8.5) Gumball Arrows should be displayed behind the plane-indicators / the little grid:
    Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 20.43.05
    The green arrow should be displayed behind the red-blue little grid (as this is the picking / selecting priority - or the picking priority should be reversed)

hopefully this gets some more attentions - other post similar to this did not. … trying to stay polite and not write a ugly "guys I am getting angry title… " (but this topic got much more attention)

(and sorry - i do not see it as my duty to write a single topic for each point, or check all those stuff and link / connect it to already mentioned issues somewhere)

kind regards -tom


ok here is a screencapture regarding selecting Edges with sub-Seleciton:

Is it possible that there is only a 1 pixel threshold (if yes it should be more) ? it seems like a very precise mouse position is needed.
And is there some kind of animation / frames inbetween ? it feels somehow retarded not very responsive.

On some of the computers here in the class room the Edge in Question is not selectable in shaded display mode.
quite annoying.

it s even worse or impossible if the Surface, the edge belongs to is on the backside.
looks also like it depends on camera-orientation.
sometime the mouse position (peak of the mouse) is not exactly on the edge.

(the cone is trimmed by the planar surface)

this is a permanent, repeatable problem on nearly all machines here in the classroom.

edge_selection_bug.3dm (3.0 MB)


see above.

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Hi Tom, I’m going to go through these and try to replicate, find a similar youtrack or start an investigatory one regardless if i can’t replicate (i’m on an M1)

Can you provide your latest SystemInfo? Thanks

great - here you go
tom_system_info_2024-02.txt (4.7 KB)

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The edge selection issue is not just for Mac. It is very hard to select an edge on surface. I flat out thought it was a bug, and it was not possible to select it. It turns out it’s just that it’s so hard to select it.

I couldn’t reproduce “regarding selecting Edges with sub-Seleciton”, here is the youtrack number RH-80711

RH-80711 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 5

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most of the stuff I reported above is not solved in current SR.

Hi Tom, I’ll run through your items and search for existing youtracks or create new ones.

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see initial post, I updated 3 links to other topics that already have a youtrack.

here is my update:

(1) - window disappears - still happens from time to time. Sorry if I can not give a workflow how to repeat.
(2) tooltips - there is a youtrack in the linked topic.
(3) emoji panel showing - not solved, also happens to some fast typing students
(4) one shots - separat topic, youtrack is there
(5) end,perpendicular … cant repeat - i ll try to remember and give a sample-file next time it occurs - not very urgent
(6) print, display order, line weight/width … mostly I would love to see a nice documentation / tutorial about how they are handled, there are already other topics about those issues.
(7) still not solved, never searched for it in the forum
easy to repeat, draw a box, render mode in viewport vs. layout:

(maybe a new yt)
(8) Gumball display-order y-Arrow vs x-z grid. It is a small fine-tuning / paper-cut. But the sum of many of these small un-fluent details will make a less exciting user-Experience… (maybe a new yt)

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