3d reinforcement components

Is there a plan to support 3d native reinforcement in Rhino Inside, without the need to use DirectShape or writing custom nodes?


Hi Cesare,

There is a request for Rebar components & Iā€™ve added your vote as well.

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@Japhy , @cesare.caoduro is this still on development? It sound like a promising component for Rhino Inside Revit. Now even more promising that Revit 2023 has so many interesting enhancements for reinforcement.

Havenā€™t seen anything around rebars yet

Cesare Caoduro

Automation & Integration Lead, Enterprise Capabilities

M +61 456703528

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3d reinforcement components

hi @Japhy ā€¦We are looking forward to acquiring such a component as it will greatly benefit structural engineers.

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HI is there a plan to support 3d native reinforcement in Rhino Inside soon?

Hi Samer, What are the Essential Revit API Rebar related methods would you like to see first? (not all UI functions are available via Revit API)

HI Japhy
thanks for your reply

CreateFromCurves Method will be perfect

There are a lot of variables required for even that simple method; Styles, Types, Orientations, Shapes. Looking into the requirements of creating these as well, things are getting complex quickly. Ideally we can start with a component or two with less peripherals.


I started (and abandoned) a project to create a rebar detailing system in AutoCAD. The main reason was that I could see the cost verses benefit waning. And that was due to the fact that I was going to base my system around Canadian rebar standards and work out from there. Basically means a ton of hours would be spent before recovering any value.

There are so many different rebar standards: Canada, U.S. , Aus./NS, India, European (does the U.K. fall under that?). All have slightly different standards.

If making proper components, everything from bar diameter to the minimum inside diameter (which is different for each bar diameter) will differ. Also, small things like hook lengths change ever-so-slightly from standard to standard. Using inheritance (and/or abstraction) in C# would make this quite a bit easier.

It surprised me that many structural engineers have no idea that their designs are combed through and a new set of ā€œshop drawingsā€ are created. The same structural engineers would be surprised at how much improvisation there is to actually fit all the rebar together.

3D rebar detailing right now is uncompetitive. Most the videos I see are 3D modelling things that either arenā€™t to code or are unconstructable as-is (and 2D rebar shop drawings will be produced regardless). It just takes too long - but that also means there is a market for it. If someone can 3D model something both constructible and to code in a reasonable amount of time they are near the top of this niche (many will claim such but lack the knowledge to understand the flaws in their designs). I extensively reviewed the existing products available for rebar detailing. If they cost as much as I think there is space for someone to develop an alternative. But barely.

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From my experience
There is a huge difference in capabilities between AutoCAD and Rhino
With a powerful tool like grasshopper, any form of rebar can be genertetd easily and quickly inside rhino
And with app like T-REX it will be more faster and easyer

with grasshopper commponent to convert rhino curves to revit rebars it will be possible to generte any rebars 3d shap for any revit elements
and with revit assmply drawings tool you can generte the 2d drawings

With a powerful tool like grasshopper, any form of rebar can be genertetd easily and quickly inside rhino
And with app like T-REX it will be more faster and easyer

For each definition you have to ensure the correct bar diameter, bar bend lengths, etcā€¦ Thatā€™s A LOT of work. In truth, most the people involved in 3D modelling rebar donā€™t understand rebar detailing well enough to do this correctly.
Most the 3D modelling is insanely slow. Thereā€™s a popular video of something modelling the rebar for a column and footing. 1) Itā€™s not correct to most codes/structural details. And 2) It actually takes a long time for something that is done quickly and easily in 2D (and only needs to be done in 2D because itā€™s so simple). Nobody is able to model 3D rebar ā€œfastā€ at the moment. Worse yet wait until thereā€™s a change in the model.

and with revit assmply drawings tool you can generte the 2d drawings

Well over 75% of the reinforced concrete drawings in Revit that I see have major flaws, are not to code, etcā€¦ Itā€™s not the greatest track record.

I find 3D modelled rebar fits into 3 categories:

  1. Itā€™s ā€˜correctā€™ but so simple that there was absolutely no business case for 3D modelling it. And any revisions will now take 10 times as long. SIā€™s are taking longer than ever on construction projects.

  2. It looks correct but the rebar doesnā€™t match codes. When built for example, the designer hasnā€™t considered the minimum bar bend diameter of a larger diameter bar, which results in nothing fitting together (not nicely at least), and veering away from the original design intent. The designer can 3D model well but doesnā€™t understand detailing.

  3. The worse case: The rebar and overall design is completely wrong, not to code, etcā€¦ This often happens when the designer bears little accountability for the correctness of their work. All their time is spent 3D modelling and they ignore the actual design, the codes, constructability, etcā€¦

One thing I noticed with concrete drawings once Revit took over was the fact that even basic common sense rebar detailing practices went out the window. Revit gained traction around 2010 I thinkā€¦ itā€™s been over 12 years and if anything Iā€™m seeing things getting worse. Recently, I worked on a couple AutoCAD projects. They were actually betterā€¦ and in every single aspectā€¦ real world results count.

reinforcement components will be a fantastic addition
also providing component to:

-Generate structural load (point, line, and area load) from Rhino elements such as points, curves, and surfaces.

-Create and modify analytical elements ( Revit 2023).

These components will meet all the requirements for structural engineers.