2d Drafting drawing > Revit Draft Lines

I am looking for some advice on how to transfer a 2D detail drawing from Rhino to Revit. I have tried exporting the drawing as a DWG file and importing it into Revit, but the result is not satisfactory. The lines are distorted and the dimensions are inaccurate. Is there a better way to do this? Has anyone successfully converted a 2D detail drawing from Rhino to Revit? I would appreciate any tips or suggestions. Thank you.

Hi Arqueiro, Please see our Drafting Components.

Can you post a sample of your details and a description of your ideal workflow? Thanks.

This is the type of drawing that I am trying to bring over.

I wonder if anyone ever did something similar.

Typically people import DWG into a Revit Template file specifically setup to cleanup the imports. Then bring them into the project sans the potential messy imported styles.

What is your ideal workflow?