I’m constantly running into a couple of issues… In perspective view of large commercial projects (buildings, etc.) I’m usually working close-up with nuts & bolts details but the view usually Z-clips as I approach the small items. Normally it’s just a flash as the corners are cut off and then the view restores to normal. Other times it hangs there clipped until I zoom out. Is there an adjustment for this? I use a 3D Connexion motion controller but it also does this when navigating by mouse.
Another thing I’ve noticed in V6 is SETREDRAWOFF and SETREDRAWON don’t appear to function as in V5. I use quite a few macros that contain these variables, yet I see events happening on screen that I normally wouldn’t. Any ideas?
And not to nit-pick because I love the new occlusion setting for snapping. But I wish occlusion were carried over into the selection settings as well. I shouldn’t be able to select something I can’t see if single-clicking (as opposed to a crossing rectangle).
Loving many of the new improvements otherwise. Thank you.
Brian Jackson