1.4GB rhino file is stuck on loading (please help)

Hi, can someone help me please. My file seems too big for rhino to load and after 30 mins its still on loading page.

Cant seem to open my rhino file after restarting my pc. The file opens with the viewports black and freezes my entire pc. I can’t open it without it crashing (showing rhino is not responding). The file is about 1.4gb. Have tried opening in safemode and opening the file in a new rhino instance yet still the same. Please help me out

Hard to help if we don’t know what the problem is… Please describe it here without posting the file first (if the file refuses to load because it’s too big) and someone will direct you to as to where you can upload it (tech support, etc.)

Otherwise you can use a file transfer service and post a link here. However nobody will be able to help if there isn’t a problem description.

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Strongly advise people not to try to open this file. Given it comes from a cracked copy of Rhino, who knows what might be hidden in it.

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