Yak.exe rhino version argument

I’m using the yak tool in a script
is it possible to add a rhino version argument to the build command? currently there’s only platform and version.

The build command automatically detects the rhino version from the sdk targeted, but that means it’s specific to one rhino version, but usually plugins can work across different version without too much issue.


I think as well this would be really handy for managing Rhino 7 / Rhino 8 Packages and some of the CI stuff I’d love to build :slight_smile:

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Hi @victorlin, thanks for submitting the request!

I can see now with multi-targeting and such this would be good to get more control over this detection.

I’ve created RH-80951 to get that added.



This would indeed be handy. The workaround I currently use in CI for non-platforms-specific plugins uses powershell to rename the yak package:

Rename-Item -Path (dir *.yak).Name -NewName ((dir *.yak).Name -replace '-rh.+\.yak','-any-any.yak')