[[XX]] Attribute text fraction error

When a block has attribute user text and a fraction is imputed (I.E. [[1/2]]) both the fraction and the text show. I included a screenshot of the behavior below.

Possibly related:

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Definitely seems related.

Yes, that’s a repeatable bug. It is however only a problem where the fraction has no preceding text, so you could use the ugly mitigations of 0 [[3/4]]" or 0’ [[3/4]]" until it is fixed.

Incidentally, as a minor side issue to your bug report (and not a solution to it) you should place the inch symbol outside the square brackets to get it positioned correctly: [[3/4]]" rather than [[3/4"]].

Tearch bug repeatable.3dm (53.4 KB)


You are correct about the ". I just noticed the bug happening, went looking for a fix, and wasn’t focused on the correct placement of the ".