Multiple stacking brackets/fractions in document user text issue

Text that works correctly in a text object directly is not working correctly when input into a Document User text value and then referenced in a text object.

My direct text input:
100[[1/2]]" W x 2 [[3/4]]" D x 30" H

The correct output:

The exact same input into document user text:
The document user text input:

Referencing the key in the text object:

The output:

I only have this issue with multiple fractions. It works just fine with one.


Is there a workaround for this?

Thank you!

Does this happen with all fonts?

Hi rhinĂłkerĹŤs -

That issue is on the list as RH-67952 Document User Text: Not Parsing Stacked Fraction Correctly
I’m not aware of a workaround.

In this instance there is one, but it takes a while to stumble on it because multiple factors need to come together.

Store the three dimensions as separate document user text entries, omitting the " symbol, and in the text block precede the first reference with some plain text.

Formatting WorkaroundR7.3dm (803.8 KB)


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Yes this is also a problem in Rhino 8 and Rhino 9 WIP

FWIW, it wouldn’t have been put on the list if this worked in Rhino 9…

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Sorry, I only looked at the YT now. Looks like it has been an issue for a while…