Write to excel

hi! I’m trying with grasshopper to export data from a solid to excel. I tried to use excel write and it write the data in excel, but it write in columns not in line like i want. I tried to use transpose, flatten (command) and to join the singles number with “,” but it doens’t work.
I saw some videos in internet and they use another (i suppose) type of “write excel” but they keep it in TTolbox like me. But in mine there isn’t the column input. There is a solution for this problem? Thank you.
Sorry for my english

I’m streaming the content of a panel to a *.csv file

The values for one line need to be separated by semicolon.

sorry, I don’t understand what you said

Because the result is that

Comma, you mean, comma. CSV is an abbreviation for comma-separated values.

You can export your data as a text file, where each row or new line represents a table row in your spreadsheet app and the comma-separated values on a line are the individual column values. The commas are stand-ins for the column separators.

I create a script who automatically models a furniture based on measures I give to grasshopper.
Now I want grasshopper export the measures of all the pieces in an excel file that I already created and grasshopper must to put in some cell who I’ll say to it.
I tried to change comma with semicolon but it continue to do same things like before
In this case I want to have that:
A1 2
B1 20
C1 15
D1 10
Thank you!

You may use a comma to separate the values, but many of my *.csv files contain rgb values that I don’t want in separate cells in excel… I could split the colors into channels but then later I’d have to concatenate them again.


This text as *.csv looks like that in excel:

It’s also possible to use a script to write a *.csv directly from Grasshopper. Depending on how many files you want to write, this can be easier to set up…

Over the last couple years I’ve used a few different plugins to export to excel but in the end every time my files are opened on someone elses computer, the user needs to install a plugin. I got rid of most plugins and I prefer to use a script or native solution whenever possible.

Sure, but standard is the comma, hence the name “comma-separated values”.
Of course, you can use other delimiters, like semi-colons, spaces, tabs, poop emojis, or whatever floats your boat, but then you should also call the file a DSV (i.e. delimiter-separated values).

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*.scsv works fine


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