Working with a background picture in Rhino


I would like to know if it is possible, and how, to work in Rhino, using layers at background, and foreground, in order to include, for example, a picture at the background, and the drawing made in Rhino at the foreground?
It seems the way we can work in Photoshop, using layers, at background, and foreground. Is it possible?
I tried to do this, and, i don’t kinow why, sometimes my picture is like i want, at the background, but, a lot of times, i can do nothing because the picture is at the foreground :crazy_face:

Thanks so much! :blush:

Hi, if yo go to , then learn, then nurbs modeling, Kyle uses drawings in all his learning videos. Maybe those will help you with your needs. I might not totally understand your question either, —-Mark

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Have you tried the command BackgroundBitmap?

A backgroundbitmap always stays in the background and can’t be accidently moved. There are commandline options to place, move or scale the image and you can use this macro to toggle it on or off:

backgroundbitmap visible enter

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Hi, thanks so much, i will see it! :grinning:

Hi, thanks so much, i just come to see the command, i am not shure this is what i need. But i will tryu again with it! :smiley: