When I generate a Make2D of a closed solid cut by a clipping plane, the internal edges are displayed as ‘visible’, like if the solid was hollow.
It would be really handy (mainly for technical drawings purposes), to have the clipped section to be ‘filled/cap’ and the edges behind represented as hidden curves.
See example below (red: visible edge / blue: clipped edge / dash gray: hidden)
is what we currently get: internal edges drawn as visible curves.
wish: more ‘real world’ approach, even if the solid gets sliced, the edges behind the section planes stay invisible.
Hi @GregArden,
Thanks for your reply. As a rough estimation, do you think this is something that may be fixed in v7 or more likely to come with the next WIP?
Come on guys, we’ve been asking for this since when - 2016?
I’m really, really grateful for SubDs in RH7. But one day I’d love to create proper 2D-sections from Rhino without having to close clipped solids manually…?
We’ll hopefully start rolling out sectioning features in the next week or two. Once the basic functionality is there for users to test, we’ll start figuring what needs to be fixed and what needs to be added. Part of this is figuring out what modifications need to be made to Make2D to support the new sectioning features.
Greg mentioned that the bug shown above is a major Make2d bug and it is on his list.