I am trying to produce a perspective section using clipping plane but when I do ‘make 2d’ the solids that are cut aren’t filled. It displays the interior of each cut object.
I changed the tolerance of my model to 0,1.
Does anyone know how to fix this, it would save me so much time
Thank you for your answer. I can’t upload my file it’s too heavy.
I am not sure if it’s a problem of settings in my rhino or just with make 2d in general.
I don’t use the layout from rhino, I would like to export it in dxf.
(1) if you just need a fast solution, use layouts - the details will work with clipping planes applied to.
(2) if it is about a section, you can draw a _line and _project it on your surfaces.
than use _orient3Pt to get it back to WorldXY-Plane.
(3) if you even need more info / details, you can copy your geometry and prepare this for the technical drawing, use a planar Surface to trim away all geometry that should be hidden, than use make2d.
VisualARQ (paid, https://www.visualarq.com), which should provide a way to generate sections with clipped fills
It is actually a shame that Rhino still requires the user to perform a boolean split of the model in order to generate a realistic drawing… If someone from McNeel is listening, please, fix this. This feature has been requested years ago, and is still open, even tagged as major…
It’s not resolved yet, no, but, as of now, this is on the 8.0 Feature Freeze list. That makes it one of the things that stops us from shipping Rhino 8, and, as such, has high priority.