can we please finally add a command to make a new layer without getting a doctor? i think it is somehow possible to make a macro and program it to go through the gazillion of options to do just that, but i am getting hair loss by just trying… such a simple task should not be so difficult.
and please add the option to make this new layer the current. not sure how that should even be possible in the current syntax to add a new entered name which then will be made current each time i initiate the command anew.
No doctors needed when there’s chatgpt that can do the work.
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
def create_and_set_layer():
# Specify the base layer name
base_layer_name = "YourLayerName"
# Check if the layer already exists
existing_layers = rs.LayerNames()
index = 1
new_layer_name = base_layer_name
while new_layer_name in existing_layers:
# If the layer already exists, add a numerical suffix
index += 1
new_layer_name = "{}{}".format(base_layer_name, index)
# Create a new layer
new_layer = rs.AddLayer(new_layer_name)
# Check if the layer was created successfully
if not new_layer:
print("Error creating layer!")
# Set the new layer as the current layer
# Optionally, print a message to confirm
print("New layer created and set as current:", rs.LayerName(new_layer))
# Run the function
import Rhino
import scriptcontext as sc
import System.Drawing.Color
def AddLayer():
# Cook up an unused layer name
unused_name = sc.doc.Layers.GetUnusedLayerName(False)
# Prompt the user to enter a layer name
gs = Rhino.Input.Custom.GetString()
gs.SetCommandPrompt("Name of the layer to add")
bool_option = Rhino.Input.Custom.OptionToggle(True, "Off", "On")
gs.AddOptionToggle("SetCurrent", bool_option)
while True:
get_str = gs.Get()
if gs.CommandResult() != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success:
return gs.CommandResult()
if get_str == Rhino.Input.GetResult.String:
# Was a layer name entered?
layer_name = gs.StringResult().Trim()
if not layer_name:
print("Layer name cannot be blank.")
return Rhino.Commands.Result.Cancel
# Is the layer name valid?
if not Rhino.DocObjects.Layer.IsValidName(layer_name):
print(layer_name, "is not a valid layer name.")
return Rhino.Commands.Result.Cancel
# Does a layer with the same name already exist?
layer_index = sc.doc.Layers.Find(layer_name, True)
if layer_index >= 0:
print("A layer with the name", layer_name, "already exists.")
# Add a new layer to the document
layer_index = sc.doc.Layers.Add(layer_name, System.Drawing.Color.Black)
if layer_index < 0:
print("Unable to add", layer_name, "layer.")
return Rhino.Commands.Result.Failure
if bool_option.CurrentValue:
sc.doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layer_index, False)
return Rhino.Commands.Result.Success
if __name__ == "__main__":
that is a real essential function which is used very very often. a right click wait till pop up then left click to add a new layer is very slow and tedious. or having a huge list of layers then navigating to the upper part of that panel where it is now to add a new layer to navigate back with the mouse to the layer in case i have to change material color and what not is also not adding any health beneficials to my wrist, plus its not fast either.
something like ctrl/cmdaltn to make it fast. any other thoughts?