Wish: greyscale display state

title basically, i have a script to convert layers to greyscale, but i display state would be nice. :wink:

Hi - you might need to provide more information here. Doesn’t the Arctic display mode do this?

arctic is kind of fuzzy, looking for a state along these lines that converts the RGB values to a greyscale value.

i think i can macro out this script Dale made, have it save a layer state, run the script, then recall and delete the original colors layer state? seems like a display state could do it and others might like the look too. my use is to make check that parts are well defined when paper printing.


' ConvertLayersToGrayscale.rvb -- November 2015

' If this code works, it was written by Dale Fugier.

' If not, I don't know who wrote it.

' Works with Rhino 5.


Option Explicit



' Converts the colors of layers to grayscale


Sub ConvertLayersToGrayscale()


    Dim arrLayers, strLayer, lngColor, nAlgorithm

    Dim nGray, nRed, nGreen, nBlue

    Dim arrAlgorithms, strAlgorithm


    arrAlgorithms = Array("Average", "BT601", "BT709", "Desaturate", "Luminance", "NTSC")

    strAlgorithm = Rhino.ListBox(arrAlgorithms, "Select a grayscale algorithm", "Layer Color")

    If IsNull(strAlgorithm) Then Exit Sub


    Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)


    arrLayers = Rhino.LayerNames

    For Each strLayer In arrLayers


        lngColor = Rhino.LayerColor(strLayer)

        nRed = Rhino.ColorRedValue(lngColor)

        nGreen = Rhino.ColorGreenValue(lngColor)

        nBlue = Rhino.ColorBlueValue(lngColor)


        If strAlgorithm = "Average" Then

            nGray = Average(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)

        ElseIf strAlgorithm = "BT601" Then

            nGray = BT601(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)

        ElseIf strAlgorithm = "BT709" Then

            nGray = BT709(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)

        ElseIf strAlgorithm = "Desaturate" Then

            nGray = Desaturate(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)

        ElseIf strAlgorithm = "Luminance" Then

            nGray = Luminance(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)


            nGray = NTSC(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)

        End If  


        Call Rhino.LayerColor(strlayer, RGB(nGray, nGray, nGray))




    Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)


End Sub

Function Average(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)

    Dim nGray

    nGray = (nRed + nGreen + nBlue) / 3

    Average = CInt(nGray)

End Function

Function BT601(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)

    Dim nGray

    nGray = (nRed * 0.299) + (nGreen * 0.587) + (nBlue * 0.114)

    BT601 = CInt(nGray)

End Function

Function BT709(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)

    Dim nGray

    nGray = (nRed * 0.2126) + (nGreen * 0.7152) + (nBlue * 0.0722)

    BT709 = CInt(nGray)

End Function

Function Desaturate(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)

    Dim nGray

    nGray = (Rhino.Max(Array(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)) + Rhino.Min(Array(nRed, nGreen, nBlue))) / 2

    Desaturate = CInt(nGray)

End Function

Function Luminance(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)

    Dim nGray

    nGray = (nRed * 0.21) + (nGreen * 0.72) + (nBlue * 0.07)

    Luminance = CInt(nGray)

End Function

Function NTSC(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)

    Dim nGray

    nGray = (nRed * 0.3) + (nGreen * 0.59) + (nBlue * 0.11)

    NTSC = CInt(nGray)

End Function

' ConvertLayersToGrayscale()

FWIW, I pythonized Dale’s script into two - one “grayscalizing” object colors directly, and the other layer colors.

ConvertObjColorsToGrayscale.py (1.9 KB)

ConvertLayerColorsToGrayscale.py (1.7 KB)

Unfortunately neither currently supports alpha (transparency) as the scripted methods seem to be lacking to get existing object/layer colors’ transparency. Will add that when it is possible.

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this is really nice mitch. you made my morning! chers

i think you might have a file duplicated but with different name?

The main routine has the same name which is confusing but the top one should still do by object and the bottom one by layer. I changed the bottom one (layer) anyway, you can re-download it.