Using ViewCaptureToFile in Arctic mode at large scale (Scale setting = 2) results in a greyscale image. Using Scale setting = 1 outputs an color image.
Hello - thanks, I’ll check this.
Hm - I see this, thanks - apparently there is a viewport size threshold - I can make the vp smaller and at some point even at scale = 2, where the color survives.
Hey Pascal, thanks for your answer. Would changing the viewport size threshold to scale = 2 result in a max size of the color picture of 3840 x 2160 pixels on a full HD screen? Sometimes I need more than 4K resolution for sharper screenshots (ViewCaptureToFile) with thin colored edges/curves in Arctic mode as replacement for renderings.
Hi David - I don’t know if there is a useful workaround for this command until the bug is fixed - I just noticed that a 2x capture works in color up to a certain pixel size of the viewport - above that, the color drops out.
In the meantime, you might try the Print command and set the print destination to Image file.