Wish for Rhino 7 materials: Add a numerical indicator under the slider of "Clarity"

I noticed that when I go to the material properties and want to change the clarity of a material such like plastic, it will not have a proper numerical indicator from 0 to 100, unlike the other sliders above it that have numerical indicators. Without the latter, it’s basically impossible to set a certain value and the user is forced to us some random state of the clarity.

Also, the Ground plane’s reflections are very inaccurate at this particular angle. They are much more accurate if the camera is slightly above this angle. In reality, that very small angle of view should result into a better, accurate and more pronounced reflections.

My clarity in 7.5 has the numbers.

You can also double-click the slider knob to enter a precise value


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Strangely, my Rhino 7 does not have it. Until few minutes ago I had Rhino 7.5.21082, then I updated to 7.5.21089. None of them has the numerical indicators for “Clarity” in the material properties.

I noticed that the Rendered display mode seems to lack ability to display the Ground plane. Is it normal for it to behave like that?

Also, I followed these settings in the video below, but was unable to set my Ground plane to be reflective in real time, other than the very slow Raytraced display mode. I have Nvidia GTX 1660Ti 6GB with the latest drivers.

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I keep forgetting whether we have Eto UI in 7 or not, maybe @maxsoder can tell more after Easter.

With regard to ground reflectivity in Rendered mode, that’s for @jeff to know.

Here is a screen capture video showing what I see in the latest Rhino 7,5 :

I noticed that the Rendered display mode seems to lack ability to display the Ground plane. Is it normal for it to behave like that?

I figured out that the Rendered viewport mode has its own setting for the visibility of the ground plane. To properly see the Ground plane, these settings must be changed to “Use render settings”. Too bad that this setting is only accessible there and is not available through the “Ground plane settings” tab or the “Display” tab in the Properties panel.


It seems the numeric value is not shown in the default ui for windows. The reason why it is shown for Nathan is that he has the Eto ui enabled. I think we should add the numeric value for windows aswell.

BR, Max

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What is “Eto UI”? Is it some kind of a developer version of Rhino with improved UI that’s not yet available for the public?


Eto UI is a crossplatform UI. Currently all Render UI on the Mac is implemented with Eto, but we still use the native ui in windows as the eto implementation does not yet support all features and cannot replace the native one. Our plan is to implement all the missing features to the crossplatform ui and then we will switch over to it. The plan is to switch in v8. Then both the Mac and Windows versions will use the same Render UI.


Does this mean that Rhino 7 will be left without a numerical input for the “Clarity” slider?

My personal opinion is that it should/could be added to the windows ui.

I made a YT https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-63644

There is also an option in the advanced settings to turn on the Eto ui in windows, but I would not recommend it as there are issues that are not yet implemented.


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Thanks for adding this to the list of things to be upgraded! :slight_smile: I really miss the numerical indicator, because the other sliders in the same panel have it and allow to set exact values.

Yes the YT is listed to be fixed in v7.

Br, Max

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RH-63644 is fixed in the latest Rhino 7 Service Release Candidate

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