Wip v6 fillet issue

Hi guys. I was pleasantly surprised today when I tried the edgefillet command on a round component today and got a true round fillet.

I tried to change some of the fillet options (by clicking them in the command line) and they will not change. LinkHandles, RailType, SelectEdges and TrimAndJoin are not changing for me. If I use the keyboard and type the option or it’s shortcut then the option will change, but not by clicking it.

I’ve seen this lately as well - when the command line options overflow the command line, clicking the options not always work - is that the case for you? The parade of options is longer than the width of the command line and displays is a sort of overlaid box that extends past the command line?


This is what I’m getting. I’ve tried shrinking my command line and tried other commands and am having the same issues. So long as I use the keyboard shortcuts I’m not having any problems with changing the options.

With the latest update my toolbars are loading better (not 100% yet) and the display options are staying. Big bonus. Very happy with the fillet adn extend surface. Also really enjoying the command line addition, subtraction, division and multiplication added features. Plus the addition of diameter measurement can now have unit selection. All great upgrades.

Also, if you have not, check the “Edit” command line option for editing existing fillets created by FilletEdge.


Yes I have and I’m really happy with it. I use the fillet command often and being able to edit it without going full parametric is great. I’m going to try it on some more complex models

So I tried a slightly more complex model and am having some issues. I’ve posted a video to demonstrate. I had to use “SetAll” option to get the radius to change from 0.250" to 0.375". I tried the same thing on the same model using the same sizes (0.250" and 0.375") and got the same results. I should note that when I tried adjusting the handles manually in both instances I was unable to achieve a clean fillet or chamfer.