FilletEdge Edit

Continuing the discussion from Wip v6 fillet issue:

Hi Pascal,
Hadn’t realized that there is an Edit option for FilletEdge now. When did that appear?

Does it only work for the same session? I tried it on a solid that I had filleted a week ago but it wouldn’t select. It did work for a brand new box though.

Hi Nick - it should work on fillets created by the command - you may be correct that it is not yet saved in the file - I’ll check, hang on a second.

Yeah, not yet saved with the file.


OK. Look forward to that. It is usually the next day that I look at the object and decide that things need to change.

Hi Pascal,

I doesn’t look like the ability to edit an older filleted model was fully implemented. If I add some fillets, save the model, close Rhino, re-start Rhino and open the model, only the last added fillet can be edited. If I edit a model that was just created, I can step back through the fillets right to the beginning. However, it doesn’t appear to me like I can get rid of the last fillet (the first one created). Maybe this will explain:

It seems to me that I might be missing a step when attempting to eliminate this last fillet. If I change the handles to zeros it deletes some surfaces, so that’s not the answer.

Also, I find myself instinctively picking on the surface that I want to edit, even though it’s not going to make any difference. I wonder if in a future build, the ability to select a fillet to edit it could be considered. It’s unlikely that I ever would want to step back in reverse order of how the fillets were created.



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Hi Dan, I know… this is a pretty big limitation, I understand that… it is currently really only useful for the last made fillet. I see the weirdness when stepping back through as well.


I think the most useful implementation would be to simply pick on a fillet and have it go back to a sharp corner. I think that alone would be a huge step forward. If you’ve ever tinkered with SpaceClaim, it’s the “Fill” command that I’m hoping could be emulated in Rhino some day.






Maybe “Reverse fillet operation”. I could understand that. Nice suggestion Dan.

We’ve had Untrim for several years, so why not just “Unfillet”?

If the surfaces adjacent to the fillets have subsequently been shrunk, is the intention that this command will still be able to cope with that?

Hi Dan, all - there is a test command shortcut for removing fillets - it is no better, really, than the workflow outlined by @DanBayn in what it can do, it’s just more straightforward:


It works one level of filleting operation at a time (i.e. steps back through the fillets) on objects that have been FilletEdged and not otherwise changed…



Hi Pascal,

I will give it a try, thanks.
