WIP - Setting User Text On Model Objects Prior To Baking?


Currently it appears that an object has to exist within the Rhino document in order to have User Text assigned to it in Grasshopper and then you need to bake said objects for the user text to appear on the Rhino document objects.

While the latter part makes sense, can we please have the ability to set User Data on Model Objects PRIOR to baking, allowing us programmatic control over setting up our desired Key/Value pairings and then having to bake the new attributed Model Objects only once. (Similar to how Elefront allows you to assign Elefront attributes prior to baking)

Obviously the Model Objects node replaces the assign Elefront attributes node with the distinct difference that the Elefront version allows user text to be set and the Model Objects and Element User Text are two separate nodes/operations in the new Rhino WIP nodes.

@AndyPayne what are your thoughts/intentions with the User Text node?

Please see snip illustrating this:

Thank you all for your time!

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Thanks for bringing this up. We actually found a few bugs earlier in the week in the User Text component and have been fixing them. Hopefully the issue you’re seeing will be fixed in the next WIP.


Thanks Andy, looking forward to the update!

Thanks for the update Andy, the User Text now works prior to baking as expected!

It no longer allows you to show/hide the passthrough outputs as it did before though, perhaps you are already aware of that but just wanted to bring it to your attention in case you aren’t.


Hi Michael, Are you saying that you can’t use the “Hide all unconnected parameters” and “Show all parameters” in the User Text component? We have different ways to telling a parameter whether it should participate in the hide/show methods and I went through all of the components last week and double checked to make sure the parameters had the right setting. I believe I made the User Text component make all of their parameters always show up (and thus negating the hide/show procedure)… but I can change it back if needed. My reasoning for changing the input/output status was that in almost all cases for this component to work, you need all the inputs/outputs. That’s a bit misleading because if the User Text is in “Remove” mode, then all you really need are the “Keys” and no values and the component should still work. But, regardless I can change it back if you think there is a specific use case for showing/hiding the inputs/outputs.

Yes that’s correct Andy, thanks for explaining your thoughts with the design.

Personally, I like any solutions that save on graph space, even minimal space.

I utilize the “User Text” node as a “get” style component to query all values or keys of a model object but typically am only interested in seeing the values and not the keys or vice versa.

It is fine to have all connections showing at all times but it is nice to be able to hide what isn’t being used.

As an example:

In this image when collapsed we can see explicitly which inputs/outputs are influencing the node operation but if these were “always visible” the user doesn’t know if the default values have been overridden or not and have to check each one when troubleshooting/studying a node operation.

Separately a wishlist item would be to be able to set the user text node to “Search” where an input Key or Value would act as a filter and return corresponding Key/Value pair.

I made a user object cluster to do this but would love to have this be a default feature of the user text node.

User Object Node (Graph Space):

User Object Node (Internals):

Hi Michael,
Ok, I think I can revert the input/output param status for the User Text component. Typically, the pattern we’ve followed for pass-through components is that the very first input/output is usually always shown (meaning they don’t ever get hidden). This is because the first input/output is usually the “main” data type for that component. Also, if all input/outputs were able to be hidden, then there are cases where the component can get completely hidden with zero input/outputs which can be awkward and useless… So, I’d prefer to keep the pattern of having the first input/output always shown… but I think I could make the “Keys” and “Values” parameters hidable so I’ll make a YT for that.
In addition, I think the search feature is pretty great. I’ll definitely make a YT for that as well. I guess the big question is whether this should be it’s own separate component… or simply a 4th “mode” in the existing component. I’ll need to think through this a bit before I implement it, but I definitely think it’s something we can add. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Thanks Andy, yes I agree that the the first input and output (‘C’ in example of the ‘User Text’ node) should be shown always. I believe this is how the ‘Model Object’ node works and this makes sense to me as well.

Thank you, and yes, not sure if the search feature should be it’s own node or not I guess it just depends on how you all (McNeel) like to think of “Get/Set” operations with the nodes and whether or not the “User Text” node is intended primarily as a “Set” Node or if it can serve dual purpose.

I appreciate the response and look forward to seeing what you all come up with!

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