Windows 11 Short Review

Also I will never use widgets in windows 11 so I completely removed it using powershell

Press win key and type Powershell, click Run as administrator
Copy and paste this command and press enter winget uninstall "Windows web experience Pack"
Uninstall Widgets in Windows 11 PowerShell
Windows 11 uninstalls Windows Web Experience Package [[MicrosoftWindows.Client.WebExperience_cw5n1h2txyewy] that is responsible for Widgets .

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Out of curiosity: why would I remove it? I don’t use them either, but don’t see them , so I don’t mind them being part of the os. (So far :smile:)

I try to remove every piece of unneeded software. probably a waste of time, but it is so much fun.

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Here is the only bug I have found in Rhino when on Windows 11:

It has to do with some kind of fancy “fade the text away” feature, so when I change material type and move the cursor away quickly a “ghost” image of the text is left behind. But if I leave the cursor hanging for a while so the fade completes then it’s all good.

As you can see this is barely noticeable, but worth mentioning.

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Perhaps W11 still has the ability to disable GUI effects, such as W10 did, until they get it sorted out.

[ I’ve used Windows: 3.0, 3.1, Windows for Workgroups, 95, 98, 2000, ME, 7, 10, and 11. Lately, I find that the powers that be want to send Windows into the dark ages, removing useful features for the sake of the false god of “Clean,” whereas “Clean” means useless, devoid of functionality or usefulness.]

Part of the problem: Microsoft compromised desktop functionality for tablet functionality–just in time for everyone to work at home because of COVID. Making the button bar larger means nothing to the desktop user, except for the cost of real-estate. Ironically, on Windows 10, if you make the Task Bar larger, it doesn’t corrupt the clock, which also has a handy calendar. So, the broke the bar, the command bar, the way to patch it, the clock, and removed the calendar. Good work Microsoft : P

Their tablet market share is currently only 1-3% though. And why do you have to have the exact same OS on both, computers and mobile devices, even though they feature even different hardware architectures? So lazy! :wink:

They desperately want to remain relevant in a world where the general populus and many small businesses have already moved on from enigmatic computers to easy-to-use tablets, which probably cost Microsoft a fortune.

“Clean” can also mean minimal, well thought through, straight forward to use, etc. It’s a manifold word.
If you truly want to have granular control over your computer, why not move to Linux?
You can change and recompile the kernel, chose from a panoply of desktop environments, and there’s no telemetry, adds, pre-installed bloat (except on Ubuntu that used to come with a dedicated Amazon app :rofl:), etc…

The improvements to Windows since 2000:

  • Larger disk and memory addressing
  • Somewhat better security
  • More reliable updating, Windows 7 updaters were poor, and too often stalled and needed repair.
  • A dark theme
  • Shadows under menus and mouse cursor, perhaps 2000 didn’t have them.
  • Ability to check a mounted disk.
  • Rounded corners on some menus.
  • Virtual Desktops are great for rendering.

Disimprovements (Coined by Jim Biggers, NASA) and Ongoing Problems

  • Large memory and disk footprint.
  • Long boot times, with kludges to try to hide it, such as delayed start.
  • Too many services.
  • No practical way for the user to identify problem services.
  • Latency and CPU scheduling problems. Linux is now faster.
  • Bluetooth file transfer functionality has been hobbled. Loss of Bluetooth connection means manual re-connection.
  • Lengthy privacy lockdown times needed for installation, which is now one of the most tedious parts of an install.
  • Windows still indexes personal document contents, by default, which risks privacy, and wears drives.
  • Registry is now too slow to be useful, slowing things such as nVidia Control Panel, and Windows Event Viewer. Try sorting events in the Event Viewer. Bwahahaha!
  • In the event of a crash, Windows cannot do a memory dump to a non-contiguous drive. Windows uses the virtual memory location for this purpose. Which wouldn’t be a problem but…
  • Windows uses virtual memory when it’s not needed, accelerating wear on SSDs.
  • Lack of a proper multichannel audio system. Mac’s sound system is better than Windows, but has no 5.1/7.1 hardware. Linux has JACK, but it’s not installed by default.
  • Users can no longer edit the Start menu.
  • Making separate 32 and 64 bit program folders should have never been done. From a computer maintenance standpoint, two folders cause more problems than it solves. Someone with one watch will always know what time it is; someone with two will never be sure.
  • With the demise of Briefcase, separate User: Local, Local Low, and Roaming folders, may no longer make sense.
  • Removal of Homegroup, which was a safer way for a user to set up a home-network.
  • Categorical demise of a coherent, uniform, Help system.
  • Too many user interface paradigm changes, including functionality such as
  • Complete replacement of Desktop widgets on each new version. In Windows 11, we can’t have post-its on the desktop?
  • Lack of a dual-pane file manager. Linux and Macs suffer from this, as well. We do not need to see two sets of control for doing basic: source and destination file operations.
  • Windows Disk Cleanup no longer cleans the Temp folder well.
  • Icon layout still rots at 4K.
  • Large icons previews may be too small for some users to identify contents.
  • Removed ordinary ability to make the desktop font bold enough to read.
  • Removal of Quick User-Adjustable power management, which is handy for changing from Rhino to other office apps on battery.
  • Ongoing, never complete, and incoherent interface of Windows Management tools. Microsoft design initiatives have not been feature-complete enough to run the whole operating system meant for business and varied hardware.
  • Windows Update is now dangerous to mission-critical applications.
  • Removal and lack of creation of icons to run the computer. In Windows, everything was an Icon, and now is a paragraph.
  • Lack of color and shading in icons. We are not meant to look at hollow outlines of picture. We identify the outlines of solid/filled objects. Yes, the interface must be accessible to people with color-impairment and low contrast, but there is no reason why it cannot be colorful as well.
  • Windows waste resources for a phone that doesn’t exist.
  • Of their forum, Microsoft is quick to lock threads the might question their judgement, or from people who might have ongoing problems with their operating system. (I have seen many locked threads, none mine.)
  • Every time Microsoft becomes serious about the Xbox–Windows suffers.
  • With the creation of the Surface, Microsoft is in direct competition with their partners and vendors.
  • Virtualization-based memory protection is a desperate and needless waste of electricity and performance.
  • Larger drives were never considered for System Restore Point sizes. System Restore still thinks that a few percent of a 1TB drive isn’t much space.
  • While Microsoft does do system restore points when doing certain updates, it usually never encourages the user to create any.
  • Windows may self-start or wake a laptop computer for maintenance, which may hang and overheat in a bag, which might cause a fire, perhaps in an airliner.
  • By default, later versions of Windows do not shut down properly/completely.
  • Later versions of Windows requires UEFI, which generally are too large, slow, with too many opportunities for bugs.
  • Microsoft has taken (timed) Tasks control from the user and handed to itself and vendors.
  • Microsoft includes Skype and Teams, which may be anti-competitive.
  • Microsoft’s One-Drive may not respect your privacy. OneDrive Security: How Safe Are Your Files in 2022
  • Multitasking and UI elements appear cooperatively shared. A slowdown in one applications, means that it’s difficult to entire OS has problems. Windows still has difficulty ending crashed/locked applications.
  • GPU monitoring only monitors for Directx programs.
  • Requiring a TMP module of version 2.0 to install an operating system was overreaching, shearing off users, needlessly. TPM 2.0 specification was only released in October 2014; hardware came later. For example, a Lenovo laptop computer made before 2018, might not have TPM 2.0. Ref: Lenovo Trusted Platform Module (TPM) FAQ - Lenovo Support US
  • Lack of borders around GUI buttons slows the user.

As I said, search is completely broken…

Search takes at least 30 seconds here, and maybe it finds something…

Check if indexing is enabled. Also, search usually also search on web, you might want to disable that.

To lately join this thread, I’ve tried W11, installed for some “normal” users with no specal needs, and they said it was very cool!
But for me, it has too many problems:

  • right click menu: slow to popup, options are taking too much space, often you end up using the “more options” showing the old menu.
  • volume , brightness, wifi etc controls now are a single big popup window, which is nonsense, and volume mixer is gone, or much worse.
  • I can no longer add a “This PC” shortcut to the task bar, which is extremely useful to open many different explorer windows. The explorer shortcut will just open the already open window.
  • windows border are 1pixel wide, too much hard to resize.
  • enabling TPM will likely decrease performance (until they fix it properly).

Overall the difference is little, but I’ve found only cons, and no pros…
Even if those are little cons, why should I install W11?

Also, on windows 10 I use 7+ taskbar tweaker, to have denser icons on the task bar and the ability to swap same-program istances.
taskbar W10
And I use this feature a lot!
On W11? nope… I would end up restoring W10 task bar on W11 … so I might just stick on W10…

Yep, it’s enabled, and indexing is “complete”. I also completely disabled Bing web search (Group policy editor hack) - another one of the most useless (and self-serving) “innovations”.

Hopefully McNeel will consider more seriously to add at least basic support for RhinoLinux, because this is the end of the road for the Windows platform:


The first time I heard that was with Windows XP. Then again with Vista. Then again with Windows 8. We’re still here on 11. So after more than twenty years of hearing stuff like this, I simply say… yeah, right.


:crazy_face: My desktop doesn’t have a TPM module so I guess MS won’t allow me a smooth upgrade.

Well, not to validate Microsoft’s anything…It might be possible to add a 3rd party TPM 2.0 module to your computer, leaving only the question of Secureboot, which is another of Windows 11’s requirements.

I upgraded without a TPM, you just need to swap some files from a windows 10 iso. No biggie

yes so not a “smooth” update :new_moon_with_face:

Beware: the optional update

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I thought the same about mine, but found a setting to enable it in the BIOS (It was disabled by default). Have you looked it up for your motherboard?

It’s worth checking the latest BIOS versions on the motherboard manufacturers’ sites. Some, like Asus, issued updates to make them W11 compatible.

I updated my BIOS and adjusted the settings and Microsoft pushed W11 onto my machine within days. Should have left the old BIOS in place, sigh… Fortunately my first gen Surface Book from Microsoft will never be deemed W11 compatible by Microsoft and will be spared the depredations of W11 - Microsoft obviously knew something… :laughing:

The TPM slot on my MB is empty, so I don’t think it will work. But anyway I am not actively pursuing W11. :crazy_face: