I’ve installed on win 8.1 and Cannot get the toolbars to show. I’ve tried the toobar reset from both options and via the command. I’ve tried both 32bit and 64bit. when I check the toolbar settings I cannot find any default files. when checking the plugins the toolbar plugin is loaded.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Hi Brian I there’s certainly something wrong with those folders as several files exist with lots of $ symbols but no default.rui. Even though the folders exist, I tried re-installing the language pack. I can see a repeated error log
05/21/2015 21:19:39 3372 Info Uploading this log file
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7536 Debug ExecuteChildProcess complete. Child process returned: InitializationFailed
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7536 Info Installing Package: 'C:\ProgramData\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\Packages\helpmedia (any).rhi’
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7536 Debug ExecuteChildProcess starting: x64, “C:\ProgramData\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\Packages\helpmedia (any).rhi"
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7536 Debug Starting: C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\System\x64…\x64\rhiexec.exe /loglevel=Debug /logfile=“C:\Users\paul\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\logs\InstallPackagesForRhino (20150521-211938).log” /silent “C:\ProgramData\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\Packages\helpmedia (any).rhi"
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Info Start: rhiexec
version 5.11.50226.17195
unknown 6.2.9200.0
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Info arguments:
"/logfile=C:\Users\paul\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\logs\InstallPackagesForRhino (20150521-211938).log"
"C:\ProgramData\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\Packages\helpmedia (any).rhi"
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Info Logging started: 2015/05/21 21:19:40
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug InstallerDialog_Load starting
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug InstallerDialog_Load ending
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug StartEngine starting
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug StartEngine ending
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug m_worker_Init starting
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Info Initializing INIT START:
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Info Deleting previous temporary folders
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Info Creating temporary directory: C:\Users\paul\AppData\Local\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\temp\e2995fa3-c491-483a-ae52-9f5c570cdc1d
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Info Initializing Selecting PackageInstaller
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug m_worker_InitComplete starting
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Error InitializationFailed m_worker_InitComplete exception caught
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Error Exception: System.ArgumentException
Message: 1 is not a supported code page.
Parameter name: codepage
Source: mscorlib
StackTrace: at System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(Int32 codepage)
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipConstants.ConvertToString(Byte[] data, Int32 count)
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.ReadEntries()
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile…ctor(String name)
at RMA.RhiExec.Model.Package.OpenZipFile(String filename)
at RMA.RhiExec.Model.Package.get_Files()
at RMA.RhiExec.Model.Package.FindFiles(Regex expression)
at RMA.RhiExec.Model.PackageInstallerPlatformSpecific.ContainsRecognizedPayload(Package package)
at RMA.RhiExec.Engine.InstallerEngine.Init(String PackagePath)
at RMA.RhiExec.Engine.InstallerEngine.m_worker_Init(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug EndInstallation called
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug CleanupAndExit starting
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Info Cleanup Cleaning Up
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Info InitializationFailed Complete
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Info InitializationFailed Exiting
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug CleanupAndExit ending
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug InstallerDialog_FormClosing starting
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug CancelInstallation called
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug InstallerDialog_FormClosing ending
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug m_worker_InitComplete ending
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Debug FinalExit Exiting installation with return code InitializationFailed
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Info Logging ended: 2015/05/21 21:19:40
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7472 Info Uploading this log file
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7536 Debug ExecuteChildProcess complete. Child process returned: InitializationFailed
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7536 Debug FinalExit Exiting installation with return code Success
05/21/2015 21:19:40 7536 Info Logging ended: 2015/05/21 21:19:40
On a hunch I checked my languages and my machine only has HK english. I’ve added us english and mill reboot/ reinstall Rhino to see what happens
So, this is a microsoft bug in the ziplib. i changed my default input language to en-us and reinstalled the language pack, restarted Rhino, reset the toolbars, restart Rhino once more and they appear!
Thanks for the help Brian. As mentioned below it is an invalid codepage Problem with the ziplib. It does not recognize my input language set to H.k. By switching temporarily to US English I was able to Install
Possibly. I found the info here:http://community.sharpdevelop.net/forums/p/19065/50761.aspx So the devs could In theory detect a codepage of 1 and Just use en-us to allow the zip to uncompress. I don’t think the problem would cause any language issues.
Its actually going to give people a hard time because you will get the Same error when installing RHI’s. On my desktop I keep the language settings showing so I can click ENG in the task bar (notification area in windows bottom right) choose language settings and move us english above my default HK english. The RHI will then install smoothly.
Thanks for helping to figure this out! I’ve logged a bug for us to fix in Rhino 5 SR12.
It turns out that the startup installation of toolbars is using the Rhino Installer Engine - the toolbars come inside an RHI. So fixing this will fix a different issue that several people have reported.
@wentbackward - I’m trying to reproduce this here, but I can’t get Windows 8.1 to run in en-HK (I assume that’s what you meant by “HK English”. Can you help me figure out how? It appears that Windows 8.1 doesn’t come with that locale for me, and I can’t figure out how to download it.
In control panel -> Clock, Language, Region -> Language
Add a language
Choose the one you want, move them up and down etc. I’m using English (Hong Kong SAR). If I put it at the top, the install fails. If I move it down and have English (United States) above it, the install works.
I think once you’ve added a second language you will see “ENG” in the windows desktop task bar notification area. From that you can quickly switch between languages. I couldn’t see any switch that enables it.
@wentbackward, I’ve just picked this up – currently trying to reproduce the problem but can’t seem to find the right combination! Same as @brian I couldn’t find the “English (Hong Kong SAR)” language pack so I’ve installed “Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong SAR)” and moved it above the default, English (United Kingdom). I then tried restarting the machine (a virtual machine, in this case) and of course the display language changed to Chinese.
No problems with the Rhino Installer Engine at any stage… Can you offer any ideas?
@will According to the underlying bug in the compression library there are also reports of these languages causing the problem: “Maori Language of New Zealand and Quechua Language of Peru country”. I wonder if because I bought the device in HK that there is some non-standard language setting within local versions of windows hence I can see that language and you cannot.
I have a programme (I’ll try to attach) and using it I can see that the code page switch does not always occur when switching the language. I’m not sure if it takes time or just requires several attempts. I can change the language and at some point I’ll see the programme output 1 for a codepage when on HK English.
@wentbackward Thanks again for your help. Unfortunately I’m still unable to reproduce the problem. I’ve tried all the languages suggested!
One thing I noticed along the way was a recent commit claiming to improve invalid codepage handling (the Rhino Installer Engine uses #ziplib to unzip RHI files as Rhino 5 was written before support for zip archives was added to System.IO.Compression in .NET 4.5).
static void Main(string[] args)
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(args[0]);
ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(fs); // "1 is not a supported codepage" error on this line, see http://community.sharpdevelop.net/forums/p/19065/48555.aspx#48555
One references the current version of #ziplib in Rhino 5, the other references the latest version available on GitHub (including the fix noted above).
Can I ask you to please test these and report back? If this solves the problem then we can look at integrating this change into SR12. To run, simply drag a ZIP file (or an RHI) onto the EXE. If a CMD window pops up then disappears, great. But if you see any errors, particularly the one you’re currently experiencing, then I need to try something else. So please let me know either way.
Hey @wentbackward, just wondering if you’ve updated to the SR12 release candidate. If so, how is it working for you? Are you still encountering the codepage error?