So already the last update to SR5 (not release candidate) screwed the Rhino help on my workstation (as per previous post)… Installing SR6 Release Candidate seemed to have fixed it - the help is back - but guess what… it sh–canned my languages. There are no longer any entries for language pack installs in Control Panel>Programs - like they were never installed (should be both French and German) - and of course no languages other than English to choose from in the dropdown inside Rhino.
There are still folders for all 3 languages in
(which proves that they were once installed), but only en-US in
It gets better… Last evening, preparing for my course this morning, when I went to close Rhino, I noticed there was a service release waiting to be installed (SR6 RC1), and without thinking, I let it… This morning, open Rhino just before the course, open my French Rhino scheme, and odd - the toolbars were in French, but the menus were in English… The language choices were there inside Rhino and it was set to French, but no way to get the menus, etc in French. Essentially it was in English, but it looaded the workspace in French. Checked to see if the language packs were installed, they were, but got an error message if I tried to “repair” the installation.
I thought it would be good to download the SR6 RC1 for French and try to install, but I have no idea how to access it, as it’s not up on the website… So in desperation tried a system restore to yesterday before SR6 RC1 was installed. Bad idea… very bad idea… After the restore, opened Rhino and… no toolbars. OK, let’s go to Toolbar Layout and try to reload the .rui… Error: "cannot run toolbar layout, the toolbar plug-in is not installed and cannot be loaded?.. Go to plug-ins and it IS checked as if loaded. NO WAY to get toolbars to load…
Now panic is starting to set in, now no language (need French for my class) - of course the system restore didn’t fix that - AND no toolbars. Finally, I had to uninstall Rhino completely, reinstall from disc (had it with me and didn’t have time to download the whole thing) find the service pack and install that - and fortunately that got me back up and running.
Needless to say it was not a very pleasant way to start the day (being nice here), and especially that this is not the first time that Rhino service releases etc. have messed up my multi language installations.
Right now my laptop is telling me that SR6 RC is available again, and I’m not sure I really want to try again; and my workstation is devoid of other languages altogether and probably also needs a reinstall. Not a particularly happy camper here…