Why Doesn't Edge Loop Selection Select Entire Cap Edge?

I always found this extremely frustrating.

Why can’t I select this edge loop as I did with the previous one?

Should I select edge one by one or is there a better way?

If from selecting from the top edge, how could Rhino differentiate from your (red) and this (yellow)?

(same problem in other edges…)

At vertices with only 3 connected edges, there is ambiguity where to continue the loop selection. Especially when the angles are exactly 90° in both directions.

_SelEdgeLoop - in 4 clicks

The day I write a software I will figure it out :man_shrugging:

I think Rhino could select the 3 edge loops and should be able to cycle through each.

Edit, actually C4D does just that. I don’t understand how not being a software developer I have ideas that then I found out other packages have already implemented. :grin: I must have a gift for this, maybe McNeel should hire me.