(Shynn Sup)
November 8, 2024, 7:01pm
Specifically talking about edges, I struggled daily and loose a lot of time selecting my edges one by one because the tool is just not smart enough.
I often let these go even though my mind tells me it should be possible to code this, but I am not a developer so I let it go.
It really grind my gears when I realize other software does it ok and confirms to me it could be this way also in Rhino.
This was done with only 4 clicks in C4D. Notice how the holes and naked edges do not break the continuity of the rings and loops.
November 9, 2024, 12:42am
Tried filter selection? I find it quite useful when I made the skull
(Shynn Sup)
November 11, 2024, 8:44pm
Hi, not sure what you are trying to tell me here.
The ring and loop selection just does not select the way it should.
(Vanessa Steeg)
November 12, 2024, 10:07pm
Hi Shynn - The current edge loop selection is indeed odd, when there’s an open face involved. In the example you posted right above, I’m not sure the correct answer is to select the open edge as part of that loop selection, however, it definitely should not select the “vertical” edges, when sub-object selecting the circular loop. I’ve logged it ( RH-84736 ).
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(Shynn Sup)
November 13, 2024, 5:42pm
Thank you Vanessa.
I think most often than not you want selection to keep the rings and loops despite open faces.
For instance here, this is happening because the selection is not differentiating between loop and ring.
Also here you want to select the entire vertical edges despite open faces.
(Vanessa Steeg)
November 15, 2024, 1:51pm
Thanks @ShynnSup ! That makes sense. I’ve added your comments to the bug report.
November 15, 2024, 2:27pm
Please see my wish for a smarter SelChain command here:
[Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 22.58.31]
I have a small but important wish regarding the options of _selChain - mainly the angle options:
current behaviour:
as soon as there is more then one choice, that is below the angular threshold, rhino does not follow the chain but pops up with a selection dialog.
wished behaviour
there should be an (1) “automatic best choice” option: if there is more then one choice within the threshold (angular / distance / curvature) then the best fitting / lowest deviat…
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