what if … grasshopper and script editors could be docked with the viewports
For that you should make a video/render and a new topic
didn’t realize this was a serious topic – in which case, what exactly are you showing there
Oh, not a serious topic, more like a fun topic. This is just all the viewports rendered in ASCII art style.
ascii_art.gh (98.5 KB)
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@nathanletwory Basically each ascii is somehow sorted based on its number of pixels (darkness) and used in place of an average illumination in each 8x8 square of viewport ?
Basically like that yes.
nice! Are custom view modes something mere mortals can experiment with or do you have to be a mcneel employee? I would love to use a 3d stippling viewport for illustrations:
That would help with patent drawings. Would be nice to control density and size of stipples.
You could do this with GhGL
This one is available at
It must be purely white with purely black dots (no grays in between) … and no banding.
Here is an example of a design patent.
Sure, I just implemented basic ordered dithering as discussed in this article
The dithering you want is much more complex
I wonder if this could be useful here
Sure, but being “kinda” close is the same as nothing for the USPTO.
It either fits the criteria or doesn’t
The stipple dots must be distinct and they cannot touch each other or form black clumps.
(Enlarge to 100% to prevent screen moire)
Stipple.pdf (290.9 KB)
Hmm, it’s must be simple enough because photoshop had this for decades (since the 90s). As an afterthought part of its bitmap algorithm.
-You need to make sure the darkest black is not less than 170
-You need to convert a greyscale image to 1-bit color using Error-Diffusion → (Stucki method), Non-weighted
Stucki has a little better dot distribution than Floyd-Steinberg in my past experience.
The algorithm isn’t terribly hard to write, but it is difficult to do on the GPU while drawing triangles. This is what I was trying to refer to when I meant that your dithering is more complex.
This would need to be done on a bitmap extracted from the GPU and processed during a frame. We don’t have that type of capability in GhGL, but it would be fun to write.
I think it’s time for the PTO to update it’s frikin printers. Even the Chinese PTO accepts grayscale computer models for printing.
I’ve always been interested in non-photorealistic effects so this type of stuff looks nice to me.