Grasshopper tank dreams

Today started with something stupid - not my first try (let’s not talk about the first try… Looked like a lunar lander…)

still a long way from being done correctly (all vectorized from a center/point in space) but this was a fun Saturday afternoon excercise mixing early 20th century tank design and grasshopper… It’s full of mistakes, all my offsets are wrong - im learning how to work with planeless items (Thanks @diff-arch ) - hence the new excercise…

I would post the model but not with these errors… Maybe in a year or two when i get back to this model…

Did this a few months ago… an attempt at a golf cart. One of my first solid ‘object’ designs. Im learning ID from scratch since 5 years… Thanks for Rhino and GH to re-fire-up that passion in me! And thanks to so many of you for adding NO2 to the fuel mix!

Also made some wingged imaginary vehicles learning sub-d… From a box to this…
Never went beyond but I love the tool and outcome… Other than i dont know how it goes from Sub-D to fabrication there after - press tab and the lines are gone.

Cheers guys, this is the best forum since the good old HyperCard mailist!


The tricycle is cool, but definitely needs a chainsaw or even better a washing machine motor! kind of inspired me, should be cheaper to DIY than to buy…