What if... viewports were terminals

Does this mean it could be an option under -ViewCaptureToFile ?

A bit like this?

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Hi @ThomasAn_ I just made an image - > dithered pointcloud script:

This is easily changed to harvest the viewport frame.
Calculates in a few seconds.

Do you think a pointcloud could be the way to go, or is a bitmap the best output?
Isn’t ‘difficult’ to do that either.

EDIT: Here is a viewport - > pointcloud modified version.

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@nathanletwory the matrix has you

yeah, I like it :laughing: My new render settings will be 1 spp.
Ideally the point distribution would be a bit more even. I’ve tried by projecting blue noise points on the geometry


I see chairs and a table.

Another way if you just want to show the shape rather than the shadows can be to remesh and turn on vertex display


That’s cool!
And great for close up objects, (AND MOST PATENT DRAWING ARE!) but distant once will occlude and turn black(er) and same goes for planes, they will turn darker with distance since dot size is uniform.

Yes, distributing points on the shapes in 3d is definitely not the same thing as distributing them on the 2d shaded image, since it doesn’t give any control over the maximum density when projected.

A proper real time stippling shader (as opposed to dithering) operating on the rendered image would be really nice.

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This seems wicked fast, clean and detailed with a fixed noice so the image doesn’t flicker in real time.


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This is what I used for What if... viewports were terminals - #22 by nathanletwory

Ah, cool, but you are using 3 colors instead of 2?

Right, I tweaked it a bit, but just as easily have it do just black and white.

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I believe in order to do nice looking dithering, we would need to perform a post process on the final image produced. Otherwise things would not look correct at higher resolution tiled viewcapture output.

The idea is along the right lines, but can’t have points clamping together. That’s what Floyd Steinberg is trying to achieve and Stucki improves. For patent drawings there is also a step of lightening the image to prevent dark areas causing high point density.

No biggy though, we managed for years without Rhino supporting this. Won’t matter now.

I understand.
Clamping can be easily adjusted by adjusting either the point size or the density of the points in the image, and adjusting so black = 90% is no problem either. So shout out if you want to give it a go.

Here’s a post-process using Floyd-Steinberg dithering. Definitely too slow to be used for real-time display. I think if GhGL had compute shader support, then we could make this realtime, but that’s a pretty big project to take on. I would also smooth out those chunky pixels to nice anti-aliased circles.


haha! this reminds me monkey island of '92

good fun jesterking!


Fantastic effort. Thank you for it !
I doubt real time viewport is needed for this. As long as -viewCaptureToFile can produce is, it’s good.

Also, Floyd-Steinberg produces these streaks of straight lines, that’s why Stucki is better.

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this might appear like a really dump question to many of you, but isn’t the view we have on our screen a projection to a plane surface? Wouldn’t that mean that these effects don’t necessarily need to be applied to the 3d shape, but only to the calculated 2d image on the screen?