Hi @davidcockey,
It should be up there now. Note, this is a Windows-only deal.
– Dale
LayerSort was downloaded and installed. Thank you for making it available.
Thank you Dale, added it to the Command List on startup and its working great!
Super appreciate your help with this!!!
@dale Im curious about the method setting. What is the difference between the two?
How can I change the Method setting other than with a mouse click?
Dale provided links about the different sort methods previously: What determines the layer sort order in Rhino - #31 by djnelson75
The difference seems to be how digits in the name are treated. Simple considers digits to be text characters, while logical considers multiple digits as a number and uses the numerical value when sorting. See below for examples of the two sorting methods:
One of the links includes:
This function’s ordering schema differs somewhat from StrCmpI, which also compares strings without regard to case sensitivity. Considering digits by their numerical value—as StrCmpLogicalW does—strings are ordered as follows:
2string 3string 20string st2ring st3ring st20ring string2 string3 string20
StrCmpI considers digits in the string only as text so that those same strings are ordered as follows:
20string 2string 3string st20ring st2ring st3ring string2 string20 string3
Example of the sort methods:
Unsorted, Simple, Logical
Ah, thank you David, I missed the point of that earlier post by Dale. So “logical” is basically to match the default sort for version 8 and “simple” is for version 7.
What string do I use to include “method=simple” into the macro? I keep getting “unknown command”
How can I change the “method” using a macro?
That appears to be correct.
Those are questions for @Dale or someone else from McNeel.