(maybe post a file / screenshot to more specific show what you search)
(2) do a macro combining some of the commands:
_selBox → crossing → pick a box with +0.001 at Z
_selBox → crossing → pick a box with -0.001 at z
… do stuff
organize your document with layers - cplane - Curves on a separete layer
do I Type _selCrv then _bringToFront every time I draw a line ?
as said the mesh sits astride Cplane so any line drawn is within it, and I need to see that line afterwards whilst it stays within it. 350Mb file so beyond posting here. Its a mesh box on Cplane 3 inch thick 1.5 inch near me 1.5 inch beyond 0,0.
not sure what these commands are as they dont seem to my brain to be what I am doing. I am trying to click on a line and I am getting the mesh, as the trace is going to a layer as a sublayer to the mesh layer locking the mesh locks the layer. I have to be able to turn the layer and all sub layers off in one click so hence its a sublayer.
pick a box ?
sorry lost me there.
_selBox → crossing → pick a box with +0.001 at Z
_selBox → crossing → pick a box with -0.001 at z
… do stuff
so you want to draw line by line and bring it to front one after another ? _macroeditor
put this into macro-Editor and press play: _selNone _line _pause _pause _sellast _bringToFront
you can repeat this macro pressing space
if it does what you want - put it on a bottom or an alias
is this what you search ?
my idea is basically to select everything above the cplane and lock it.
then select everything below the cplane and lock it.
do the work
Yes I need to draw a line see it then draw another starting at it,
Macro getting there !
I also need to draw a series of lines click click click and the macro lets me do one and one only, not a line then another with ends joined as I go. can it do multiple clicks ?
I also need a curve draw ? multiple clicks.
Mesh needs to stay exactly where it is, its taken 3 days to get it into the correct location, then start drawing surfaces to it.
Layout view is just taking this too precarious for me, I need to keep it simple, I need the lines in the normal world, just to have them appear above, with every draw I do.
Instead of trying to bring all newly drawn lines to front, is it not possible to simply select the mesh and SendToBack? I am not near a computer now, so I can’t test…