What command makes every line draw as BringToFront?

I have to bring to Front every line being drawn as a mesh sits over centreline and all lines are on that centreline and vanish.

is there a command that saves me having to run BringToFront hundreds of times ?

I also need to select that line and not whats in front, forever stabbing about getting nowhere, what command to pick on cPlane ignore all else ?



(maybe post a file / screenshot to more specific show what you search)

(2) do a macro combining some of the commands:
_selBox → crossing → pick a box with +0.001 at Z
_selBox → crossing → pick a box with -0.001 at z
… do stuff

organize your document with layers - cplane - Curves on a separete layer

kind regards -tom

Hi Tom.

  1. do I Type _selCrv then _bringToFront every time I draw a line ?

as said the mesh sits astride Cplane so any line drawn is within it, and I need to see that line afterwards whilst it stays within it. 350Mb file so beyond posting here. Its a mesh box on Cplane 3 inch thick 1.5 inch near me 1.5 inch beyond 0,0.

not sure what these commands are as they dont seem to my brain to be what I am doing. I am trying to click on a line and I am getting the mesh, as the trace is going to a layer as a sublayer to the mesh layer locking the mesh locks the layer. I have to be able to turn the layer and all sub layers off in one click so hence its a sublayer.

pick a box ?

sorry lost me there.


_selBox → crossing → pick a box with +0.001 at Z
_selBox → crossing → pick a box with -0.001 at z
… do stuff


so you want to draw line by line and bring it to front one after another ?
put this into macro-Editor and press play:
_selNone _line _pause _pause _sellast _bringToFront
you can repeat this macro pressing space
if it does what you want - put it on a bottom or an alias

is this what you search ?


my idea is basically to select everything above the cplane and lock it.
then select everything below the cplane and lock it.
do the work

How about not using display diddling tools at all and physically move the mesh below where you’re drawing the lines, so they are physically on top?

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another option:
draw the lines in layout, above a detail, copy paste them back to modelling space.

Yes I need to draw a line see it then draw another starting at it,

Macro getting there !
I also need to draw a series of lines click click click and the macro lets me do one and one only, not a line then another with ends joined as I go. can it do multiple clicks ?

I also need a curve draw ? multiple clicks.

Mesh needs to stay exactly where it is, its taken 3 days to get it into the correct location, then start drawing surfaces to it.

Layout view is just taking this too precarious for me, I need to keep it simple, I need the lines in the normal world, just to have them appear above, with every draw I do.


Try the Lines command or preface your macro with a “*”.

*_selNone _line _pause _pause _sellast _bringToFront


_selNone _lines _multipause _sellast _bringToFront


Hi, line command draws one line, polylines is a string of lines, so I replace lines with polylines, but cannot get anything to draw and stay at front.

should I have tool selected then hit play or hit play then select tool.

doesnt work either way though.


Sorry- needs one more thing in there - SelNone will do

_SelNone _Lines _MultiPause _SelNone _SelLast _BringToFront

Does that do it?


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Hi, I can draw multiple lines with polyline tool but result whilst at front is not joined but separate lines.


? ?
is that not what you asked for? Replace Lines with Polyline in the macro for a polyline…


I now have:-

_SelNone _Polyline _MultiPause _SelNone _SelLast _BringToFront

I select polyline tool, click play draw a zig zag, right click to end it, it vanishes,


Instead of trying to bring all newly drawn lines to front, is it not possible to simply select the mesh and SendToBack? I am not near a computer now, so I can’t test…

Hi Mitch - draw order only affects curves and annotation type stuff.

But the macro should work fine, as far as I can see anyway…
