Weird grey strips at artistic view

I just upgraded from rhino 5 to rhino 7 after purchasing the latest MacBook Pro M2 Max (latest MacBook Pro doesn’t support rhino 5).

However, after opening my past files, I notice a lot of weird grey strips at the artistic view. Any idea how to resolve it? Is it my macbook’s graphic card issue or the settings in Rhino 7 that I am missing out?

Hi -

Please post a simple model that shows this behavior on your system. If you can’t post those here, either replace the car and person with simple boxes, or upload a file from Rhino - Upload to Support

I have Rhino 7 on Mac M2, and had what seems to be the same problem as you describe here, strange grey shapes randomly appearing. I found a way around it by deactivating the box “edges” in the inspector panel, display mode artistic. See screenshot. It fixed this issue entirely for me.