Wall from Volume / extend

It is not possible to extend a wall generated from a volume (to the ceiling, etc.). Is it a bug or is it not yet supported? Thank you for your response

Hi @bjornsmolarek,

This is not possible. The main reason is that a wall from solid can have any shape, like a sphere.

The only possibility would be something like scaling it 1D vertically, but this would probably change its shape, which probably nobody wants (unless it has a vertical shape like a regular wall).

Can you explain a little bit ore about your scenario?

I would suggest using the VisualARQ Edit tools to change the shape of walls from solid:

  • Add Solids (_vaAddSolids)
  • Subtract Solids (_vaSubtractSolids)

Kind regards

I am currently using the extend function as a kind of automation when I adjust the ceiling height, the walls follow it or also to let it follow the course of the ceiling, as in the example. In the example I have used the only current possibility of the Boolean function but the problem is that it is only static and any change requires some steps. (Loosen volume, adjust and cut again with the wall)

Apart from the topic, is it planned in the future that the Visualarq Element Object will also be usable for the Boolean function? So you could create a dynamic object for niches, breakthroughs, etc.

Thank you for the fast answer.

Hi @bjornsmolarek,

Unfortunately this is a quite particular case and there is no easy solution. Maybe when wall styles from Grasshopper definitions will be available and with the ability to be extended, it will be possible to automate something like this, but for now it will require some manual work.
An alternative would be to create this wall with the VisualARQ Grasshopper components and just bake it when you need it. Something like this:
WallFromSolidWithSubtraction.gh (11.7 KB)
SampleFile.3dm (375.6 KB)

About your second question, it is planned for future versions to be able to subtract VisualARQ objects from other VisualARQ objects. This way you could create a parametric element that you could use as a subtracting object. However this is something that you can already do with Rhino geometry created from a Grasshopper definition. Maybe I don’t understand what you mean.

Kind regards

Hello Ramon,
Old Berlin buildings are sometimes special in their way.
First of all thank you for the example and the file I will take a look at it.

Because of the second point, I meant it: you create a Visualarq element with a Grasshopper file in it and use it as a parametric niche, for example, to substract it from the wall.

I think we have been able to communicate quite well. :slight_smile:

Your support is very admirable, helpful and quick.
best regards

Hi @bjornsmolarek,

I’m still not sure about your second point, because if you want just a parametric shape that you place on a wall to create a subtraction you can have a Grasshopper file that generates that geometry and bake it to subtract it. There is not much difference than using another VisualARQ object.
Something like this: ParametricNiche.gh (15.4 KB)


Maybe you are looking for a way to create custom parametric walls that can already include niches? This will be possible when wall styles from Grasshopper definitions will be possible. However since a niche may be something that most of the times you want to place on a specific point rather than following a pattern, it still seems to me a good idea to do it manually.

If you want you can expose an example of what you would like to achieve.