My laptop is very regularly going into 80% + CPU usage, pretty much all attributed to Vray neui.
I’m not doing anything particular in any sense when it’s happening.
I also get some messages sometimes that the Neui has encountered a problem and needs to close. Mostly when I leave the system idle and come back to it after many hours.
I had this on my former system as well. Now it’s back…
Another thing that seems strange to me is that for 2 Rhino sessions open, there are 6 Vray neUI processes running. Why that many? Wouldn’t each Rhino session have a single Vray neUI running?
I don’t have much faith in this window. It is vastly superior than what it used to be in Win7, but still - not really useful
I stick to my good old Process Explorer
There is a separate process for each NeUI window + 1 main that drives the rest. However that has negligible performance impact if that is your concern.
You can stop the preview renderer, by clicking the “stop” button above the image:
What do you mean by “solve”? I don’t see a problem in a first place !
Your computer IS working to render the preview, and that is the usage score. Either stop it, or use simpler materials, easy to sample
It just seems odd that a tiny preview screen would tax my PC that much that it would nearly crash.
Also, I’m not messing with any materials currently, just modeling. Why would Vray take over my PC’s CPU to update a preview to what was essentially already there and that I don’t even care about for the time being?
I just thought something must have been wrong. Doesn’t seem logic in terms of assigining CPU power to what’s essential…
@Nikolay I have the problem from time to time too, that the CPU is running and running, without I use the material preview. Last I send a file to the support, there the CPU is running too. Maybe you could test the file from case #123-170-1320 . I would be very happy to, if this bug could be fixed, since 60% CPU usage are quite a lot for nothing.
EDIT: Here the file. (Also at this file I get no rendered preview.) (35.3 KB)
It is the dirt texture in the opacity slot that causes the problem, but I don’t have time to get into it right now. There are more pressing issues right now
Hello, i have a similar problem. I dowloaded Vray. However no matter what it keeps on showing me this tab whenever i try to use any vray utilities,objects, lights or simply for sketch up.