Reflection IOR should be 1.6
Refraction translucency set to SSS
SSS colour set to the same as the Diffuse texture slot
SSS amount 0.3
Bump set to 40 (not 1)
How can I script this in rhVRay, I have many materials and I want to update all vray materials with these settings…
The documentation is lacking or maybe im just dense
Thank you @Nikolay
#! python3
import rh8VRay as vray
with vray.Scene.Transaction() as t:
for brdf in [vray.Scene[material.brdf] for material in vray.Scene.Materials]:
if brdf.Type != "BRDFVRayMtl":
print(f"Processing: \"{brdf.Name}\" ...")
brdf.fresnel_ior_float = 1.6
brdf.translucency = 6
brdf.translucency_color_color = brdf.diffuse_color
brdf.translucency_amount = 0.3
brdf.bump_amount_float = 40
Mind that this is python 3 code for Rhino 8
for IronPython 2.7 (R7) the script would look a bit different