Voronoi Diagram

Is it possible to create a voronoi diagram without grasshopper. I’ve got a mac, so I can’t download grasshopper, and I can’t download any plugins on the school’s pcs.

Do you know any Python? You could create a Voronoi that way. It’s probably a fair amount of work, though; I’m not sure what Rhino-specific libraries, if any, are available to do that kind of manipulation.

If you can’t do it yourself in Python, your best bet is a solid state drive (Really, this makes a big difference), a virtual machine (Parallels or VirtualPC) and Rhino/Grasshopper for Windows. That or see if you can talk some faculty member into getting Grasshopper added to the default software package on the school’s PCs.

Hi Kyle,

First and foremost you can do it manually.

The best way to describe Voronoi Diagrams are the intersections of the intersections of circles with the same radii. In the image below you can see the results of a GH Voronoi component as Red along with the process of doing it in Rhino in Blue/Black -with a smaller radius so you can compare.

Secondly, you can script it now you know the methodology.

I think you can get the module Scipy for Python (also runs on Mac) which has a scipy.spatial module that has a voronoi function…

– Mitch

If you want to do it without any scripting, you can place cones at the points, then Intersect and Make2D


HA! Great trick, thanks!



I want to make a thick Voronoi Diagram (Figure 2). Why did I make such a mistake using offset?