I am unsure how to use the sizes parameter on VisualARQ (which appears in a couple of components), since both ‘sizes’ and ‘profile’ expect a profile object.
Thank you in advance
I am unsure how to use the sizes parameter on VisualARQ (which appears in a couple of components), since both ‘sizes’ and ‘profile’ expect a profile object.
Thank you in advance
Hi @Luiza_Longo,
In your definition, you are creating some beam objects and also a beam style.
The “Profile” input of the beam style component is used to define which is the profile of the beam style.
The “Sizes” input of the of the beam style component is used to define a list of sizes for the beam style. These are the “predefined” sizes that you can also create in the beam styles dialog:
The “Profile” input of the Beam Options component, is used to set some dimensions to the beam objects, regardless of those predefined sizes of the beam style. The profile shape must be the same as the one of the style though.
Find attached an example on how to generate a new beam style with a list of predefined sizes. Let me know if you have any questions:
Beam Style with Sizes.gh (12.8 KB)
Thank you for your answer.
Still, I have one remaining question. How do I choose from the list of sizes that was created directly in grasshopper? I have found the new beam style on the Rhino dialog.