VisualARQ - How to access "Description" parameter inside Gh-style?

how can I access the object Description parameter from inside a Gh-style?
I tried to use %<element.description>% in a string component, but it does not work. All I see are hastags.

I know I could create another string input field and use that, but as I already have the Desciption by default, I would like to utilise it. (17.1 KB)

Hi @Toni_Osterlund,

You can use the “Get Property Value” for that: (3.4 KB)

Hi @alfmelbev
that would work with the final object.
But I’m defining here a gh-style script. I do not have an object to query, because it does not exist yet at this point.

Any wisdom on this issue?

Hi @Toni_Osterlund,

We have been making some tests and it is possible to use string properties values as input for Grasshopper Styles, but there is a problem when retrieving the description value. We are working to solve this problem and I will let you know when it is solved. For now, you can retrieve the name property instead as a workaround; this is the workflow you need to follow:


This is what you need to use as a name of the Text param: %<>%

Annotation.3dm (2.7 MB) (3.3 KB)