Visual Arq - rhino.inside - slab / ramp problem

Hi there,

I’m trying to do, what I thought was, a simple task.
I want to have a slab as a ramp, and get it into revit from rhino, as I want to be able to model everything in rhino, and then import to revit for sheets, schedules etc.

But when I make slab in rhino and hits the “objects to revit”-button the slab becomes a “generic model” inside revit instead of a floor.

Is it only possible to import flat slabs to revit, or what am I doing wrong?

Kind regards

I now tried using ifc-export, still exporting an angled slab from rhino, and importing it to revit. This makes it into a “Direct Shape” with a floor type. So revit understands the geometry somehow, just not when using the rhino.inside as described above.

Hi @Thomas_Oxvig,

It is still not possible to create inclined floors with Rhino.inside.Revit, so that the Grasshopper definition doesn’t create these objects properly.

However, what you need is a ramp, so maybe you can just create a Rhino closed extrusion and tag it as IfcRamp. The Grasshopper definition “objects to revit” will take this geometry and transfer it to Revit as a direct shape with a ramp category. This is way you don’t need to export to Ifc and import it to Revit, the Grasshopper definition will make the same task for you in one click.


Hi Alfonso,

Thank you for your reply,

Ahh, okay, I’m hoping this could be a part of it in the near future. As its easier for the schedules to get it in as a floors instead of direct shape. As far as I understand revit (still very new to this program…)

But I’ll try to use that workaround. That might be the beste solution for now.

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