-ViewCaptureToFile issues


Firstly it seems like _-ViewCaptureToFile \some\path\file.jpg Width 3000 Height 3000 Scale 10 _Enter does not work. No jpg file is saved. When I set Scale to 1 it works.

Secondly if my view is Perspective, then I enter _Top (I see the Top view), then enter _-ViewCaptureToFile, I am getting a view capture of the previous perspective, not the top view.

Thanks for looking into this.


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Hi Silvano,

I believe this is the same issue raised here Doesn't print to BMP which is filed as RH-20279. This report is not visible publicly at the moment. I’ll add your description to that bug report as well.

I’m not seeing this issue here in testing the latest service release of Rhino 5. I switched viewports manually in a 4 view layout, used the command ‘Top’ to switch via command and also tried Ctrl+Tab to toggle to Top view in a maximized viewport. Can you tell me anything else about how you are doing this?

Hi Brian

I’m not seeing this issue here in testing the latest service release of Rhino 5. I switched viewports manually in a 4 view layout, used the command ‘Top’ to switch via command and also tried Ctrl+Tab to toggle to Top view in a maximized viewport. Can you tell me anything else about how you are doing this?

I am also not able to reproduce it anymore. I am sure it was happening, since I had the problem reoccurring for a while. It might have to do with an external monitor attached to my notebook. I am currently without a secondary monitor. I will test it at work on Monday and give you feedback.


Hi @BrianJ
I am not able to reproduce the lagging view changes when using -ViewCaptureToFile anymore. I will get back to you, in case it happens again.
Thanks - S

Hi All - I am consistently having very similar issues with -ViewCaptureToFile.

Here is what is happening:

If I change views it will capture the previous view, not the new view.

If I select an object in the scene it will capture the new view - however, it will show the object highlighted even if it is no longer selected during the screen capture.

If I turn geometry on in a scene - it will omit that newly visible geometry.

One work around is to draw something behind the camera, select it and then perform the -ViewCaptureToFile command - this will export properly - but is annoying to perform every time.

Does anyone have a clue what is happening?

What graphics card and driver do you have installed in this machine? I’m also wondering if this happens with all models or just one in particular.

This was happening to me for a while, too. It might have been an update that fixed it, are you running the latest service release - Rhino 5 SR 12? If not, I’d start there.

so I am using rhino 5 SR 11… I will try and update - but not sure if my firm has issues the update yet.

I have an nVidia Quadro K2100M on a Lenovo thnkpad.

It is happening with all models.

the driver version is 345.20 for the nVidia K2100M

It might have been the video drivers that fixed it, I can’t recall - sorry. I have a Quadro chip, too, so that seems plausible. I hesitate to install new drivers if nothing is wrong, but it certainly makes sense to try to resolve this issue. The driver you’re running is nearly a year old, and doesn’t look like it was a WHQL certified version.

P.S. Just a tip - you don’t need to revive multiple old threads, probably best to just start a new thread with your exact issue in the appropriate category in the future.

You might try this driver… http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/92969/en-us

There are also a few performance settings listed here for Quadro cards that we’ve heard work well for users.

I’m experience similar issue, whenever trying to capture image resolution higher than 3000, Rhino 6 stopped working, no file was saved even Rhino 6 say it was successfully captured, super…frustrating.

Hello - can you please run the SystemInfo command in Rhino and post the results here?



Hi All,

I am also still having the problem reoccur from time to time. Different Rhino models, different drivers, Rhino 5 and Rhino 6. The only common things seems to be that I am also having a nVidia Quadro K2100M on a Lenovo Thinkpad.

System Info:
Rhino 6 SR9 2018-9-28 (Rhino 6, 6.9.18271.20591, Git hash:master @ 4cf7435f08f51c972347c8558d28355cfc0471ca)
Licence type: Educational, build 2018-09-28
License details: Cloud Zoo. In use by: Silvan ()

Windows 7 SP1 (Physical RAM: 16Gb)
Machine name:

Quadro K2100M/PCIe/SSE2 (OpenGL ver:4.6.0 NVIDIA 390.77)

OpenGL Settings
Safe mode: Off
Use accelerated hardware modes: On
Redraw scene when viewports are exposed: On

Anti-alias mode: 8x
Mip Map Filtering: Linear
Anisotropic Filtering Mode: Height

Vendor Name: NVIDIA Corporation
Render version: 4.6
Shading Language: 4.60 NVIDIA
Driver Date: 1-23-2018
Driver Version:
Maximum Texture size: 16384 x 16384
Z-Buffer depth: 24 bits
Maximum Viewport size: 16384 x 16384
Total Video Memory: 2 GB

Hi all,
I’m encountering similar problems but on my mac Rhino 6.
If I view capture to file at scale 1, it produces the correct capture. If the scale is increased it fails. See the two attached. It seems the ceiling for resolution is around 2900 pixels maximum (I see 3000 mentioned as a ceiling on this and other threads).
Rhino is up to date.
Any help would be hugely appreciated – scale 1 just isn’t sufficient quality, and rendering is not possible with the volume of images required.