Hi there,
Got an issue with the viewcapture commands in RH6 on some specific geometry. I only have this error on this geometry (though had a similar error in the past on a different computer, with a different file in RH5 but that was resolved by copy pasting the geometry into a new document). This error is the same if I copy paste the same geometry into a new document.
If I run a viewcapture command (file or clipboard, with or without - prefix) the dialogue box (in the case of without the prefix) displays correctly, and the output is correct if at scale 1, but if the scale is increased, or a custom scale, not the same as the screen res is used, it cuts off some of the model in the output (though the dialogue still displays correctly).
Having played about with this I’ve figured out what it’s doing (I think) and a workaround. What’s happening is that it’s centring the scaled capture on 0,0,0, not on the viewport centre, so I was able to workaround by moving all the geometry to be centred on the world origin.
This issue also persisted through a Rhino update.
As this is not an issue on any of my other files, I’m not too massively concerned, but leaving this here for anyone else who might get the same problem, and as an error report for anyone working with viewcapture at the McNeel end.
I can’t upload or show the file unfortunately, as it’s a client’s and covered by NDA, but the only change in it since it started doing this is the addition of 4 large .stl meshes (though a previous incarnation of these before I used other software to do some mesh booleans on them caused no issue in the same file).
Hardware wise I’m currently trying this on a Clevo N85 N87HJ type laptop (rebranded) with an i7 7700HQ and GeForce GTX 1050 for graphics acceleration (basic graphics handled by IntelHD 630). There is an external monitor connected via hdmi, but the error is the same whether or not this is connected or on.
Hope that helps any relevant people and if anyone has an idea why this might have happened and how to fix in the future that would be great!