VA walls and columns do not display in IFC


I am trying to export my VisualArq model to IFC, and I am experiencing some issues with some of my walls and columns (but not every wall and column).

In Rhino, my model looks like this:

But once I export it and open it in BlenderBIM or OpenIFCViewer, some walls and columns are gone:

However, Solibri and BIMVision seem to open it quite correctly:

Am i missing something here? I could not find any topic about this on the forum.

At first I thought it was because of the extended walls, but I realised it’s doing the same with columns, which are simple elements without any boolean operations.

I know it could be a problem from the IFC viewer, but I would like to understand the issue a bit more.

Thank you,

Yea OpenIFC often looks pretty weird when I bring it in. If you are exporting IFC files to go to Revit you can use the autodesk bim viewer. It gives a pretty good sense of what someone will see when they open it.

Nice thank you, it looks good in the Autodesk BIM Viewer, so that’s good news :slight_smile:

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