V8 Gradient background problems in Layout Details

@pascal @stevebaer @John_Brock
Just loaded the Rhino 8 Beta and it looks like layouts still do not accurately represent the printed condition (background in detail). Please let me know if I am missing anything.

I do not buy the argument that toggling the background on/off is a UI/UX help. It seems like that user hint comes at the cost of display accuracy which is kinda the point of model / layout splits…

More over, it looks like the gradient does not even print consistently when the toggle (in the print settings) is used. In 8, the background does not print when moving from wireframe to shaded displaymode.

Wireframe with 2 Color Gradient (mid-edit)

Wireframe with 2 Color Gradient (layout view)

Wireframe with 2 Color Gradient (print preview)

Shaded with 2 Color Gradient (print preview - no gradient shown)

Serengeti (Rhino 8 BETA) bug

In the Print command, under Visibility, is background color checked?

It’s working for me:
Dog gate.pdf (241.7 KB)

yes - in the last screenshot (Shaded with 2 Color Gradient (print preview - no gradient shown)) you can see the ‘Background Color’ option is checked.

Tried it again.

New File.

Draw cube at 0,0,0.

Restore defaults on both Wireframe and Shaded displaymodes.

Only change ‘Background’ to ‘Gradient 2 Colors’ on Wireframe and Shaded.

Change detail to shaded.

Print with preview and ‘Background Color’ on.

@John_Brock what display mode did you use for your pdf generation?

I have found that shaded does not show the gradient background, but wireframe,technical,pen etc do. Is this on purpose?

@John_Brock did you get that print from a viewport or from a layout?

Having the same problem with Rhino 8 beta.

Applied the same procedures in Rhino 7 and Rhino 8 beta

  1. Import display setting “Rendered_Outline.ini.”
  2. Create layout, apply the imported display setting.
  3. Print. Check Visibility > Background Color
  4. Toggle between Output Colors, nothing changed.

@John_Brock @Gijs any movement on this? Frankly, the single pdf posted to this forum after I posted an extensive explanation with images is disappointing. I installed the latest Rhino 8 Demo and layout printing is even more buggy than before. Excited to upgrade our office to the newly released version, but I am hesitant to adopt with key features still buggy.

Gradient background printing from layouts is still hit or miss. It is hard to tell if this is intentional or not. If certain display modes will purposely not print their gradient background (vector vs raster), this should be noted.

I tested basic display modes with a gradient background on.

An example with the wireframe detail active…

with shaded active…

with technical (shade objects on, default scene lighting) active

What I get in the layout preview - it looks like it is using the display mode of the layout, not the details in the layout.

screenshot of resultant pdf

You can see in the pdf and in the preview that it is registering the selection handles of the text as well. These only disappear after hitting escape…

zoom in to layout

I just made fixes for this that will appear in 8.2. We should have a release candidate for 8.2 next week.