Layout Printing background color


Recently I ran into issues when printing details on a layout.
Problem is that for the details, their gray background is printed despite a correct preview (white) and correct printing previously:

I cannot seem to find a cause; anyone else seeing this or suggestions for a possible solution?


At some point it looks like you checked the “Background color” option in the Visibility Panel in the Print command interface.
Go in and clear the check mark.

They’re already shown as unchecked in Willem’s screen shots.

Could it be something in the settings for ‘PDF24’, like a watermark or similar?

Hi Matt,

I get the same preview regardless of printer…


Hi John,

I unchecked that already, any other direction to search for the cause?


I would see if there are any third party plug-ins loaded -or- if you are using any custom display modes.

Hi Steve,
Found it; it was the AutoCplane plugin
I tried installing the latest version and now the viewport labes are printed.
I’ll hail @Pascal: Pascal no worries for me I’ll just disable the plugin before printing layouts.
