V8 - Global switch for "Use light image for dark modes"?

In V8, is there a global switch for button images, to change from “Use light image for dark modes” to “Recolor light image for dark modes”?

When I play around with the colour values for “UiPaintColors.TextEnabled” I’m seeing a mixed reaction for the current default set of button images that come with V8. Some are set to the former, some the latter. I wasn’t expecting the adjustment of a “text” colour setting to affect toolbar images.

We use the text color to determine if your UI is light or dark. Is there a problem that this is causing?

Hi Steve,

I’m very much WIP with setting up my V8. With viewports and window border colours set to something around Rhino Dark Grey 105, 105, 105 and the UiPaintColors.TextEnabled left at the default 46, 47, 48, I see this:

If I change .TextEnabled (which appears to be the same as Window Text in Appearance > Colors?) to something lighter like 225, 225, 230, I see this:

This colour combination works well in V5; the light text on a mid-dark grey is crisp and easy to read. I’m not overly concerned about the legibilty of inactive tabs as they’re shown here. I haven’t got to playing with those yet. The “Standard” tab at top left gives a good idea of basic legibility.

Two observations in V8:

  1. When UiPaintColors.TextEnabled is made lighter, the line work of button images that depend on the same setting looks fuzzy and tends to ‘fill in’ compared to the default value.

  2. Not all of the default toolbars appear to be set up in the same way. For example, the dark line work in the button images of the Extrude and Scale toolbars (towards the bottom of shot) don’t get lighter. I haven’t played around with those to give what you see in the second screenshot - that’s how they come, out of the box. It looks as though I can retrieve this by going to each button Edit and changing the “Use light image for dark modes” setting, but that would be per-button, which will be time consuming.

As an aside - what Advanced setting controls the header bar colour (next to the tabs - a cornflower blue in these shots)? Or is that a Windows thing? Exposing the Advanced settings in V8 is a real step on. I can see that a lot of work has gone into this. It really needs a Help file 101 to give guidance - just changing settings to see what’s affected is time consuming and the effects are not always immediately obvious.

The “dark mode” icons are still being worked on. Our automatic translation to recolor light icons to dark is what is causing the fuzzy look and that will go away as more icons are created with dark mode specific look.

I’ll keep that in mind.

Are subsequent V8 WIPs likely to blow away the work I’m putting into my .rui, or am I safe to continue? I’m saving a backup copy in a folder on another drive, as I go.

I would hope we don’t blow away your work, but it is a WIP so saving backups is probably not a bad idea.

A text color determines the icon pack? Not the background? Which one? I’ve been looking for a toggle in _Options.

I want the default icons because they read better on a #7f7f7f background than the dark ones:


I immediately bailed on the default dark mode. The focal point, the viewport background, is the same color as light mode. That is the thing I don’t want to shine in my eyes all day. Plus, the toolbar contrast is still a WIP…Rotate’s arrow, Split/Trim’s dark blue knife, which is Group, which is Ungroup, etc.

I have been making my own comfortable dark mode in Rhino for many years. I hoped V8 would add a couple more settings to tone down the remaining #ffffff’s to #c8c8c8.

But I’m on the struggle bus with the WIP. Why do toolbars have different background colors?

How do you set inactive text color?


How do you make this readable?

How do you set the layer’s panel bg?


the color you are pointing at is



Background /inactive tabs:

I think these should answer all your questions, some are double

As for the icons: start with a default light background color scheme and then modify from there.

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Wow, I had no idea all of these settings existed in V7. I mainly used Options > Appearance > Colors to adjust the scheme. I always thought Advanced was like an index to the logical groupings of the settings tree.

I’ll redo my color scheme from a light mode base, but it would save a lot of frustrations if the light/dark icon packs were promoted to a proper radio button in the Appearance section.

You can export settings, change to Light mode, and import settings and keep all of your color customizations.