Hello, I was just wondering if anyone knows if there is any progress towards gradient vector hatches, specifically when printing with Rhino PDF? I like to fade the materials of my model slightly to make the dimensions pop more. In my layout the hatch appears as a gradient, but when I open the created PDF the hatch is solid white and hides the model behind it.
The last I saw it mentioned was a comment from October 2019 and am just wondering if there has been any progress?
Workaround i’m using atm is to export png/jpeg and then combine them in acrobat, but its very tedious…
Could you do that in Rhino? Give us option to put a check mark somewhere that we want image files combined in pdf so rhino saves everything to image first and then combines it into a PDF at the end of the process? I know its not a proper solution, but it would do the trick until you solve it correctly