V7 crash when going to Pref > Plugins

Came upon a new [to me] crash in 7. [7.16.22039.15002, 2022-02-08]
when in Pref. all tabs are ok, but the Plugins tabs crash rhino [before the tab opens] Here’s the Crash Report:
V7_15-02-22CR_akash.rtf.zip (47.9 KB)

What I did just before finding this crash was to install the latest Bela [evaluation]
Yet I believe Bela installed instead on my WIP 8 [also crashing but for different reasons Latest update immediately crashing when opening document 8.0.22032.16306] because it was the one that went on during the installation… the Plugins tab in the WIP Pref. opens correctly and I can see that Bela is in there now.

Therefore it would seems to me that the Crash in 7 [plugins tab in Pref. was there from before, and is not related to Bela…
Can anyone else on a Mac repeat this crash?

thanks a lot

Looks like something I think @curtisw has recently be playing with to fix elsewhere in Rhino.

I’ve logged this as RH-67444 Crash opening plug-ins page of Preferences.

Thanks a lot Nathan
[crash is also present in today Release candidate]


RH-67444 is fixed in Rhino 7 Service Release 17 Release Candidate