V5 to V6 annotation compatibility

Hi Mary Ann,

I haven’t spent much time in V6 to date, I’ve downloaded the 05Apr update and V5 annotation is looking good so far. At first glance, all text of differing sizes, seems to be placed on one randomly chosen Annotation Style. I’ll do a more thorough check when time permits and dig out an example if you can’t repeat this.

While I was checking this and using SelAnnotationStyle, it occurred to me that it would be useful to filter between text and dims within this selection.

I don’t use linked blocks so I don’t have the experience to properly compare the methods. It seems easier to select, select ByLayer from the layer panel, copy, section and otherwise extract geometry or parts from worksessions than linked block - and working on two worksessions concurrently is pretty smooth and efficient way of working.

The whole Linked block is highlighted when trying to pick a part which makes the operation clumsy and awkward, also panning/orbiting becomes jerky if the file is complex, reason enough to prefer worksession for the sort of work I do. They each have merits so ought to be considered as different tools rather than compared.

I received a file recently with missing linked blocks, I didn’t need them in this case. The warning text dots which appear can’t be selected or turned off without deleting the blocks, it would be better to somehow turn of the dots so the linked path reference remains in case it’s needed.

While on the subject of blocks, I prefer to use groups with better control over layer management and the speed at which they can be created or re-created on the fly. Saving to Acad manages to destroy grouping, it would be a great time-saver if groups remained intact when going into Acad (and back again).

I haven’t tried this approach, thanks for the tip, I’ll give it a try and see how well it works.

(2) and (3) are not bugs, this behaviour is just the way Rhino handles curves. This was briefly discussed a while back.