I made a 3D Model of this Building and set a View to Perspective 1. So I named a view and saved it.I then used make2D to get the lines of the 3D Object (my building).
Then I rendered the View `´ Perspective 1´´ with V-Ray. and the cPlane and the current viewport are the same as the one I used for make2d.
But the Render is different from the make 2D and I dont know why.
First use _sysinfo to see which versions are you using and upload the results here
Second update to the latest version of both.
Cracked or old softwares could have issue. Remember “corporate” version doesn’t exist.
Third upload the files so we can check it directly.
The Version of Rhino is: Rhino 8 SR15 2025-1-13 (Rhino 8, 8.15.25013.13001)
I think Rhino is on the latest version but I can update V-Ray.
What is a corporate version ?
Looks like the clipping of V-Ray has not been calculated optimally. This happens sometimes, especially if the clipped objects are not closed polysurfaces. You can have a look at what could be the case in these areas.
If the wrong cut does not bother you, then you could also create an outline rendering with V-Ray, which fits 100%. (Outline rendering only works in CPU mode, not in GPU mode).